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Open Thread #770

Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

Things have been not so good this past month. I already mentioned the mono a few weeks ago, but a lot more has happened that was too overwhelming to talk about at the time.

My grandmother currently suffers from a skull fracture after a nasty fall from the stairs at her place and is finally stable enough to stay at the rehab department in the hospital. I cannot recall everything from when it happened because of the mono induced high fevers, then again, way more stories of chaos and blood than I would have liked.😦Grandfather agreed to a temporary stay at a retirement home, since he understands that we cannot take over grandmother’s caregiving duties. It will be hard to break this news to grandmother, because she is determined to return to her beloved home. Unfortunately, their health no longer allows them to live in their place. The family is now looking into what could be the right place for them and taking turns visiting both of them and running their errands.

My employer contacted me during this period to warn me about a penalty as a result of missing sick notes. Since I have triple proof of handing in my sick notes on time, I did not let this slide, but it has been an unnecessary source of fury and anxiety on top of the grandparent worries. This long weekend I was going to escape for a bit to my friend’s place, but it got cancelled because she and her parents got covid.

Fortunately, the universe is using this long weekend as time to rest. I got to visit both of my grandparents for the first time this week. I got my employer to settle for a sick note copy after sending them enough proof. My blood test results have improved over the last 3 weeks, even though we are not fully recovered yet.

When it rained back then, it poured. At least it has stopped raining for now, and I can only hope that the sunshine will soon return.☀

Open Thread #770
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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