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Results: Favorite drama kiss of 2022

I like kisses don’t get me wrong and Business Proposal definitely had some very sexy kisses. But I think rather than kisses (which I do like), I prefer confessions. They make my heart flutter (or hurt) in ways that kisses don’t.

Best confession to me in 2022: Twenty Five, Twenty One

My favourite being when Hee-do mistakes Yi-jin for being her internet buddy and confidently declares she must have him right to his face! LOL poor Hee-do! Yi-Jin had fun being petty about it, but gosh could I sympathise with Hee-do’s embarrassment haha

I forgot what they called it, but I also liked how they acknowledged they were more than friends but weren’t lovers (yet)

The confession that hurt and continues to hurt me for all time was in Answer Me 1988.

When Jung-hwan poured his heart out and all his pent up feelings to Duk-sun and than proceeded to lie and say it was all a joke. It HURT and it still HURTS 😢

Results: Favorite drama kiss of 2022
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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