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Bean for your thoughts

More recaps, less celebrity gossip. Recaps are especially helpful for non-Koreans because sometimes things get lost in translation (or the subs are too westernized) and we may not get all the culture reference. Even the weecaps help with bridging the gap. Also, there are other places to read tabloid fodder and the kind of reader comments that go with them.

Along those lines, drama hangouts tend to be pretty useless. They get buried under more recent posts and forgotten. Besides, everyone comments under the What We’re Watching posts, so save staff resources by dropping them. Or, make weekly hangout posts for each show. For those of us who aren’t e-friends with other beanies, we don’t have a place to go to (like a personal fan wall) to discuss dramas that aren’t recapped.

Hire more moderators. There was a time on dramabeans that spoilers were forbidden. You could only talk about the show up to the point it had been recapped. Now everyone talks about both weekly episodes in the first post, and other people share spoilers from the source material.

I say this with love because there’s still no other kdrama recapping site that can compare to here, and this is the first place I go to follow a drama. Looking forward to any updates and changes!

Bean for your thoughts
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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