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Open Thread #748

Have you ever experienced watching a drama happily when all of a sudden the writer pulls the rug from under your feet and slaps you in the face with some kind of twist?!
Well, that’s me watching Prison Playbook and now I’m terribly upset, not sad upset, just very disappointed by the choice the writer made for Hanyang/Looney’s character!

I have been expecting a sad ending for him since the beginning because of spoilers, basically, but I didn’t know details…well, that was just terrible, cheap writing in my opinion, and I can’t get over it! How can they erase 15 episodes of character development in seconds just like that?! It just made no sense the way it all played out..he deserved so much more as a character! 🙁

I can’t even bring myself to continue watching right now, and it’s as if I suddenly forgot about all the good, fun and well made aspects of the show!
I’ll probably finish the few episodes I have left later, but I won’t be able to enjoy them as I have been doing ’till now *sigh*
Anyways, end of rant, sorry for being dramatic!! xD
Happy Friday to all! ^^

P.S. no, the Racket Boys cameo doesn’t make up for it either! :((

Open Thread #748
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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