Hi Open Threaders! Remember me? I haven’t had a true open thread in months! But guess what? I’m sitting at work in a snow storm and my last patient’s car door froze and so she couldn’t get here. Lucky you! What is everyone enjoying?
I’m watching 25-21, and enjoying every second. I’m riveted to the screen. I’m a huge Kim Tae Ri fan, and she is doing a bang up job playing a teenager. I love coming of age shows, and this one does not disappoint. I also love shows that have very strong female characters, and she’s all that and more. So, yeah, this one is perfect for me.
Also watching Business Proposal. I had to see my adopted son in a chaebol role, doncha know? I’m rooting for him to come out of his shell and banter a bit more with Kim Se-jeong’s character. But I’m all in for Lee Deeok-hwa as Tae-mu’s grandfather. I could watch him watch dramas, do face masks, and eat snacks ALL. DAY. LONG.
I started and dropped 39—moving too slow for me, and not in the mood for all depressing, all the time right now.
Then there is Snowdrop. I don’t know if I’m in the mood for this either. I’m watching because it’s pretty, and Jung Hae In is pretty, but I’m really sad knowing that someone from the show is not on earth anymore and that makes me sad when I see her on screen. So, this might be on the ever growing “in process” box. I’m on episode 4.
I just finished Moonshine and it was very lackluster by the end. Red Sleeve is probably the best sageuk I’ve seen this year.
Story time! Geez, I have so many, I don’t even know which one is more entertaining.
We found out this week that one of our Korean friend’s daughters just got into Yale on a D1 tennis scholarship. She’s a genius too, so that’s nice. And another Korean friend’s son just got into Johns Hopkins.
Set: I’m in my office in my bedroom, and he’s around the corner in his office.
Me: *Yelling-so he can hear me* Hubby, did you see D got into Yale through tennis?
Hubby: …
Me: *Still voice raised* Yeah. I’m happy for them…You should text [her dad]. I’ll text L [her mom].
Hubby: *Now yelling down the hall from his office* Didn’t T just get into Johns Hopkins too?
Me: …
*texting L* “Give D a big hug from all of us! We’re so proud of her and all her hard work. Congrats!”
Hubby: *Screaming* I FEEL LIKE I’M IN SKYCASTLE!
PS. My domain name expired and I’m still trying to figure out how to reinstate it. So my blog that I hardly ever post anything on is: http://www.freethekimchi.wordpress.com for now. You will not be able to get to it just using the other domain name. I do put all my OT posts/stories there for posterity. LOL.
Open Thread #751
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily