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Open Thread #753

Beanies on the OT! I wasn’t really planning on writing anything here today, but then I realized HIGHLIGHT just released their new album this week. They did some live performances over the past 24 hours, and I’ve fallen into that rabbit hole and it must be shared with the rest of the interwebs! So my fan wall will be a steady stream of live performances today and tomorrow, probably. I already posted their entire album. LOL :). I’m asking for forgiveness now because all my other Highlight beanies have left DB for a while.

Also, I’m still enjoying 25-21, Business Proposal, and started Soundtrack #1 (yay for VPNs). And don’t forget PACHINKO starts today on AppleTV+ and Youtube. Sheesh, I’ll be watching 4 shows on 3 different platforms (and how are none of these on VIKI)? VIKI better step it up because I’m worried they’ll be left in the dust.

And middle school drama has taken over my house with my daughter’s best friend is interested and texting a boy so persistently, it’s interfering with her friendship with my daughter. Best friend was called out on it by all her friends and her brother (at a very public dinner with the family). Best friend’s mother is (I don’t want to say controlling, but she’s controlling—lol), so I’m just waiting with my popcorn for the fallout. Which, hopefully, will be better news for my daughter who feels slighted every day. I’m fine if this girl likes this boy and wants to get to know him, but do it on her time, and not when Science Olympiad state competition is a couple weeks away, and your project isn’t done and my daughter is doing all the work. (Thankfully, math genius and my daughter are still getting along splendidly on their preparation for their own Science Olympiad event. And her other best friend and her are doing well on their event for state too.)

Speaking of math genius…

The math problem (just a couple of 8th graders in the 10th grade math class):
Daughter: I slept in math class today.
Me: Why?
Daughter: The teacher was going over something I already knew how to do. I could do it in my sleep. LOL. I’m at the back of the class so just laid my head back on the ledge behind me and slept.
Me: What was math genius doing? (Since I’m pretty sure he knows how to do whatever they were explaining.)
Daughter: Oh, he was sleeping too. We’re both at the back of the class so no one sees us or cares. But he laid his head on his desk with his arms around it.
Me: Can’t the teacher see you?
Daughter: Probably, but I don’t think she cares what we do if we just make good grades on the test.
Me: You’re probably right. Did you have a good nap?
Daughter: Oh I did, I got to sleep in band too. I laid my head on the tympani. I guess I was just tired today! It’s a good thing I’m in the percussion section so I have something to sleep on!
Me: It’s a good thing none of your teachers cared!

Moral of the story: I never slept in class, so this is crazy to me. Don’t sleep in class…

Open Thread #753
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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