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Crazy Love: Episodes 13-14

Crazy Love: Episodes 13-14

It’s the penultimate week of Crazy Love, and things are starting to go a little haywire. A simple reveal and takedown of our baddie? Not so much. Instead we have a cascade effect going on, and with one move against our hero comes a truckload more — including some twists — and then we leave off with a cliffhanger that skews everything.


This week it feels as if Crazy Love realized it not only has to tie up the two antagonists we’ve had our eyes on for some time — Soo-young and Se-gi — but also to pull the rug out from under us. To do that, we need lots of new plot, lots of new characters, and lots of people admitting their motives aloud for our benefit.

First we’ve got Soo-young, who’s sadly turned into the typical scorned ex-lover who turns to revenge to get her feelings out. Soo-young first tries to tear Shin-ah away from Go-jin, finally admitting to her that he is her first love. While Shin-ah is no shrinking violet in this scene, it does affect her, and perhaps her confidence. Thankfully, her little brother (who seems to have very little bearing on our plot) tells Go-jin enough that he figures out what’s going on.

Thank you, Show, for not making this love triangle thing last longer than five minutes. The plot line is quickly dispatched. Go-jin admits to Soo-young that he doesn’t have amnesia, and tells her all too clearly that he doesn’t hate her anymore, and his heart belongs to Shin-ah. While Shin-ah quickly moves on from the weirdness once Go-jin explains, it’s Soo-young that can’t move on.

I think Soo-young is most angry because Go-jin doesn’t care about her or even see her as a threat… so of course, rather than step away with grace, she ups her gameplan to take over all things GoTop. Boring. Buuuuut there’s that faithful henchman who’s been at Soo-young’s side since the beginning, and the camera has lingered on him long enough for us to conjecture he might become important later on. And sure enough, his hour to shine is coming.

Who is he? We (and Go-jin) learn from imprisoned Kang Min that he’s known as Dr. Jo and he’s ingratiated himself to everyone in the underground gambling world, thanks to his deep pockets. Most importantly, he was also at the scene of Go-jin’s accident.

Se-gi, if I may, was highly disappointing this week. His long-hatched plan to inculcate Go-jin in a tax evasion scheme goes all the way to the board of directors, and is splashed across every news channel. The only problem is that not enough of the board votes against Go-jin, and Se-gi’s next play — the amnesia card — is also quickly dealt with. In the space of that one meeting, Go-jin exposes the real slush fund, and Se-gi is out.

But it’s not over, because being a 1D villain, his motive is soon revealed: Se-gi has been nursing a secret resentment against Go-jin, blaming him for the suicide of his sister. How he’s managed to hide this level of rancor for so many years to become Go-jin’s dearest friend, I’m not sure, because he really doesn’t seem that clever. And speaking of not that clever, he tells Go-jin to figure out why he hates him, but then can’t stop himself from confessing it all.

We’re not given much context on this woman or her death yet, but it seems like she was stealing info from GoTop, for which Go-jin didn’t spare the punishment. And this, actually, is the main point we land on at the end of the episodes this week, and it’s a surprisingly character-centric one.

As if a butterfly flapped its wings somewhere and let all hell break loose, Go-jin’s enemies rise up from the woodwork. From Soo-young and Se-gi, to Dr. Jo, Kang Min, and the string of past secretaries who once hated his guts — all of a sudden Go-jin has to face the consequences of his unforgiving personality and the harshness with which he treated/treats others.

Mixed feelings. I like that we’re digging into his behavior and its consequences, but Episode 14 just felt like sheer chaos, and a tone change in terms of what this story is really about. Does Go-jin really need to have this moment of reckoning? Does he have to forgive all these people? Is that what this story is about? They’re not exactly in the right either, plotting against him and sending death threats (yes, that whole room of paraphernalia is confirmed to be from all of his past secretaries).

To put more icing on the cake of confusion, Go-jin’s ego and heart are both hurt when Shin-ah sides with the secretaries and asks him to forgive them. Rather than be reasonable, he bites off her head, and yes folks, it looks like a penultimate episode breakup (or the threat of it) right now.

Furthermore, we have a new villain emerge just as our episode is ending: the mysterious person who’s been counting down D-Day? It’s a woman in a creepy white dress, and her plan is to capture Shin-ah, drag her to a rooftop, and lure Go-jin there. This is exactly where we leave off with our cliffhanger, and excuse me while I go get an aspirin for my headache.

The drama has been “crazy” from the start, but perhaps it lured us into a false sense of security the last few weeks, focusing on the love story, elevating Se-gi to the big bad, and Soo-young to the spanner in the works. Well, there’s more to it than all that, it seems, and we’ll have to see how everything is tied up next week, when we hit the finale.


Crazy Love: Episodes 13-14
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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