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Seo Ji-hye sees her future with Yoon Kye-sang in Kiss Sixth Sense

Seo Ji-hye sees her future with Yoon Kye-sang in Kiss Sixth Sense

Disney+ is gearing up for their next drama Kiss Sixth Sense and promos have started trickling out featuring leads Yoon Kye-sang (Crime Puzzle), Seo Ji-hye (Dr. Brain), and Kim Ji-suk (Monthly Magazine Home).

Based on a popular webtoon by the same title, the romance stars Yoon Kye-sang as Cha Min-hoo. Talented and successful, he’s won top awards for his advertising work and is considered an ad-making god. What most people don’t know, though, is that Yoon has super heightened senses and his ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is 10x more than the average person. As a result, he’s incredibly sensitive and easily irritated.

Although competent and skilled in her own right, working for the prickly Yoon Kye-sang is challenging and often stressful for Seo Ji-hye, who plays the character Hong Ye-sul. But she is hiding a curious power as well: when her lips touch another person, she’s able to see that person’s future. Although she doesn’t know where her ability comes from, everything she foresees has always come true. As if life isn’t stressful enough for Seo Ji-hye, ex-boyfriend Kim Ji-suk has suddenly come back into her life, too. Playing Lee Pil-yo, Kim’s character is an acclaimed film director who still has feelings for Seo. (Sigh, another second lead role for Kim Ji-suk — the drama gods are so cruel).

Focusing on Seo Ji-hye, the first video teaser begins with Seo walking over to the window with her coffee as she muses, “Isn’t the lobby nice when it rains?” On cue, rain starts to fall outside and a shocked Hwang Bora (Dal-li and Gamjatang) asks, “What? How did you know?” Seo explains in voiceover, “I don’t think anyone will believe it. But when my lips touch someone else, I can see their future.” The appearing text screen reads, “A person with the power to see the future.”

We then cut to Seo Ji-hye on the job where Yoon Kye-sang gives her a hard time: “Assistant Manager Hong Ye-sul, if you don’t have what it takes, then don’t bother trying.” As these things happen in dramaland, Seo and Yoon share an accidental kiss and Seo complains, “I knew from the start that I shouldn’t get involved with that jerk.” A text screen then cuts in, reading, “Foreseeing an unexpected future,” before we jump to what Seo sees in her vision. The teaser comes to a close as Seo bemoans her fate, “I saw a future that should not ever happen. Me, in the future, with Cha Min-hoo… What are we doing!?”

The second teaser is from Yoon Kye-sang’s perspective, as he reprimands his staff during a meeting: “If you’re going to treat this like a college group project, then you should start paying tuition too, right?!” The following text screen reads, “A prickly and sensitive personality,” and we quickly transition to Seo Ji-hye running up to get Yoon’s attention, unaware that he’s changing clothes. An annoyed Yoon asks her, “What do you think you’re doing?” In a sequence of shots, we see and hear Yoon calling for Seo several times, “Assistant Manager Hong!” and then randomly questioning her, “When did you start wearing perfume?” But Seo simply retorts that she isn’t wearing any.

In the next text screen, we read, “A person whose five senses are abnormally developed.” Cut to Yoon Kye-sang quickly stepping in to catch Seo Ji-hye when she falls backwards. He nags, “I told you over ten times. As a PM, you need to prepare for what could happen in all possible scenarios.” Enter Kim Ji-suk who suddenly appears before Seo, saying, “I came back. I mean, I missed you.” Extending his hand, Kim tries to make peace. A distracted Seo gets saved by Yoon in another almost accident, which perplexes him. “In the five years that I’ve known you, do you know that you’ve been acting like a completely different person these past few weeks?” Catching the sound of her heart racing, the teaser closes as Yoon asks Seo, “Do you like me?”

Written by Jeon Yuri (Radio Romance) and directed by PD Nam Ki-hoon (Oh My Baby, Beauty Inside), Disney+’s Kiss Sixth Sense premieres May 25.

Via JTBC (1), Sports Donga, (2)


Seo Ji-hye sees her future with Yoon Kye-sang in Kiss Sixth Sense
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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