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Crazy Love: Episodes 15-16 (Final)

Crazy Love: Episodes 15-16 (Final)

From the beginning, Crazy Love promised us two things – love and crazy – and its final episodes deliver on both accounts. But it begs the question: is it love that makes people crazy, or is love the antidote that rescues people from the crazy messes of their own making?


After luring Go-jin to a rooftop, the mysterious woman in white reveals all: she’s a former GoTop employee, and was falsely accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a student. Rather than listen to her defense, Go-jin fired her. Devastated and overwhelmed by the storm of online hate that followed her, she attempted suicide and then vowed revenge when that didn’t work.

But she no longer wants to kill Go-jin – she wants him to watch her kill herself. Hence the rooftop. As she steps over the edge, Go-jin lunges to catch her… and ends up falling with her. Fortunately, he had the sense to call the police on the way over, and they both land safely on the paramedics’ rescue mat.

The woman’s story hits Go-jin hard, because he too attempted suicide after losing Soo-young (and everything else). Resolving to make things right with all the people he’s wronged, he asks Shin-ah to help him make his apologies. And he follows through, apologizing sincerely to everyone from Soo-young to the former secretaries.

Speaking of secretaries, Soo-young’s secretary (a.k.a. Dr. Jo) turns out to have been the real mastermind all along. Not only did he incite Kang Min to hit Go-jin with his car, but he also manipulated evidence about Se-gi’s sister, intentionally making Se-gi believe Go-jin was to blame for his sister’s death.

The truth? She’d been stealing study guides at the request of her boyfriend – Dr. Jo himself – because he was desperate for some way to save his failing teaching career. Go-jin knew all along that someone else was behind it, and only ever intended to punish Dr. Jo. But Dr. Jo refused to turn himself in, and blew up at Se-gi’s sister for suggesting it, pushing all the right buttons to wreck her emotionally. If anyone can be blamed for driving her to suicide, it’s actually him.

True to Crazy Love form, it’s ultimately Dr. Jo’s own actions that lead to his undoing. Having drawn Se-gi into his plotting, he lets his guard down, and Se-gi learns the truth by finding his sister’s phone in Dr. Jo’s glove box. Se-gi goes straight to Go-jin, and they work together to corner Dr. Jo and get a confession out of him.

Over and over, this show has presented examples of the concept that “hurt people hurt people” – and almost none of the characters are blameless in that regard. But what makes the difference between, say, Go-jin and Dr. Jo, is that the former comes to recognize and own up to the ways his actions have negatively impacted others – even those actions that resulted from his own hurt – and takes conscious action to make things right. Dr. Jo, on the other hand, continues to blame everyone else for his own choices.

Then Go-jin’s apologies set off a snowball effect, inspiring everyone else to start apologizing and resigning from their positions out of shame. Go-jin re-hires most of them, though, including Eun-jung and his former secretaries. I appreciated the one who didn’t come back, though, and instead found his new calling as a farmer – growing onions, of all things!

Even Soo-young apologizes in kind of a roundabout way once she learns that her attempt to protect Go-jin instead plunged him into despair. I still hold that he didn’t need to apologize to her for not realizing she was lying to protect him (because wasn’t that the whole point of lying??) but I can appreciate that he needed to clear his own conscience and get true closure. And at least Soo-young finally realized and regretted just how deeply her actions hurt him.

As an extra touch, Go-jin learns that both Se-gi and Kang Min called emergency services after the hit-and-run, giving him just that much more reassurance that the whole world does not in fact hate him.

And from there, it’s happy endings all around. Friendships and jobs are restored, and everyone gets to move on from all of the insanity.

Meanwhile, Shin-ah’s teaching videos have her inundated with scouting offers, and she chooses to sign with Yang-tae’s company because she doesn’t want people saying she’s succeeding because of her connection with Go-jin.

Of course, Go-jin is hurt at first, and his petty sulking returns until she melts him with an “oppa” and an “I love you.” He pouts that such tactics are unfair, but he also wraps her in a warm hug and eventually admits he knows this is the best choice for her professionally.

When it comes time for Shin-ah to resign from GoTop, she presents Go-jin with a parting gift: a mini hammer and a playful warning not to look at other women. Just as playfully, Go-jin quips that she’s not slapping him this time, but he’s more scared of her now than he was back then.

After her first in-person class, he greets her with a giant bouquet of flowers, and they take a walk in the park, where he proposes. Yay, they’re engaged for real now!

Then we close on a cute little montage of their happily engaged/married life. Thinking back on their entire relationship, Go-jin whispers that Shin-ah is a miracle that made him go crazy.

“Crazy” is certainly the word – I’m still a little dumbfounded that this finale week started with a barrage of trauma involving multiple suicide attempts (one of which was successful) and ended on a cutesy, romantic happily-ever-after. But am I dissatisfied with the neat, bow-tied conclusion? Not a bit! This was a weird, imperfect show, and I had a blast watching it.


Crazy Love: Episodes 15-16 (Final)
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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