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My Liberation Notes: Episodes 9-10

My Liberation Notes: Episodes 9-10

We finally get some answers about our mysterious Sanpo resident who is finding he can’t keep running from his past. While he contemplates his choices, our siblings continue growing bolder and going after what they want, even if things don’t always work out the way they hope.


Our introverted couple continues to do their thing with Mi-jung getting more and more comfortable. She’s even downright chatty at times, surprising herself. She tells the club lady at work that she’s always held back because she didn’t think anyone would be interested in what she had to say; freely saying what’s on her mind has made her feel lovable for the first time.

One night, Mi-jung and Gu are walking home, and Mi-jung starts talking about dead neighborhood animals. She sips her drink and grosses Gu out while she mimics the sound of exploding frogs when they get hit by cars resulting in “frog confetti.” HA.

Meanwhile, Ki-jung has mostly worked through her embarrassment over Tae-hoon’s rejection. She tells her boss Jin-woo all about it, even showing him Tae-hoon’s nice text checking on her and saying he hopes to be friends since she’s supportive and fun to be around. Tae-hoon’s kind reaction helps Ki-jung take a positive perspective and see this whole thing as a learning opportunity.

Ki-jung ends up going to Tae-hoon’s oldest sister Hwi-sun’s bar. She’s nervous about seeing Tae-hoon again but determined to move past her embarrassment. He’s super nice, as usual, and things seem to be going well. That is, until Yu-rim tells her aunt Kyung-sun about what Ki-jung said that day they first saw her in the restaurant.

Kyung-sun is livid and confronts Ki-jung about it. Tae-hoon tries to calm his sister down, but she’s not having it. When she notices an odd vibe between Ki-jung and Tae-hoon, Ki-jung tells her the truth about confessing and getting rejected. That said, it seems like Tae-hoon may indeed like Ki-jung which is probably not going to go over well with his sister.

Adding to her troubles, Ki-jung’s coworkers take note of her newfound closeness with her boss Jin-woo and are not happy about it. Jin-woo’s current office girlfriend confronts her about it, saying it looks to everyone like Ki-jung is making a move on him. Once again embarrassed, Ki-jung bursts into tears and apologizes profusely, making the coworker feel awkward and guilty.

Elsewhere, Chang-hee finally calls his irritating coworker Ah-reum out on her manipulative behavior, which is pretty satisfying. While no one likes her, Chang-hee’s hatred is a little over the top. Over drinks, his friend wonders if Chang-hee would hate her so much if she weren’t rich.

Of the siblings, Chang-hee is the most concerned with money and seems very insecure over being (somewhat) poor. His happy place is imagining himself in his own fancy car. So when he spots the key to a Rolls-Royce in Gu’s bathroom, he deems Gu his “savior” and is determined to get close to him.

He keeps barging in on poor Gu, dropping by unannounced and chatting his ear off while Gu looks on the verge of losing his mind. Chang-hee seems to think they have a good relationship now and tells him all about how he didn’t get that promotion he wanted, but he gave it his all so he’s okay.

Speaking of Gu, we get a lot more information this week about him and what led him here. He truly did get off at the wrong station that day, but it might’ve saved his life. Boss Baek, the man who spotted Gu in Sanpo, had his gang waiting for Gu at the station he was supposed to be at. The story isn’t entirely clear, but money and a personal grudge are at the center of it.

We see in flashback that Gu had been asleep on the train and woke when a woman’s voice yelled, “Get off!” He’d hopped off the train to find himself in Sanpo. The next day, he heard that same voice as a woman walked by him – it was Mi-jung. She’d been yelling at a drunk Chang-hee on the train that night.

In the present, Boss Baek spots Gu again and this time, they sit down for a chat. Their conversation is barbed, despite the smiles. Apparently, Boss Baek’s sister was Gu’s ex-girlfriend. Boss Baek blames Gu for her death.

Soon after, Gu tells Mi-jung about his ex’s death, implying she was suicidal and claiming he pushed her over the edge. Honestly, it’s not clear exactly why he’s to blame, but we only have vague details on the story.

All of a sudden, Gu seems determined to push Mi-jung away, perhaps afraid she’s getting too close. Besides telling her he caused his ex’s death, he says Mi-jung frightens him and gets upset when she saves him (again), this time from a pack of wild dogs.

Mi-jung can tell he’s trying to push her away and is not happy about it. She accuses him of running away when it gets too real, scoffing at how he treated her like a fool for the loan situation when he’s worse. Is it really so hard to treat the person he likes well? Mi-jung doesn’t give up on him, though, to his surprise – she tells him she still thinks he’s alright and wants to continue dating.

Tired of being hunted, Gu goes back to his old nightclub to confront Boss Baek. From the way everyone bows to him when he shows up, it looks like Gu was high in the ranks. He thanks Boss Baek for stabbing him in the back and giving him the opportunity to take a break. Gu threatens Boss Baek, saying to leave him be until he decides whether he’s going to come back or stay in Sanpo making sinks.

Then, Gu picks Mi-jung up at work and takes her to grab a meal. I guess he’s not giving up on the relationship either. Chang-hee is thrilled to see they’ve made up since he sees Mi-jung as his in with the possibly rich Gu.

Chang-hee can’t hold it in anymore and directly asks Gu about the car. He practically begs Gu to tell him where it is and let him drive it. Surprisingly, Gu gives in and actually shows Chang-hee the car, letting him take it for a spin. Chang-hee completely freaks out, squealing and everything.

Then we get an abrupt scene cut to Gu and Mi-jung running through a field, chasing after a flock of birds in flight. Gu looks lighter than we’ve ever seen him, smiling and free.

Another abrupt scene cut later, and we’re ringing in the year 2022 at Gu’s club. It looks like he returned. We end the episode with Gu alone in Seoul as Mi-jung says in voiceover how all her boyfriends have been jerks.

What even just happened? Those last few minutes gave me whiplash. Given how happy Gu looked in Sanpo, what made him leave? I wonder if he’s truly returning to his former life or if he’s dealing with loose ends so he can move on. I guess we’ll have to wait until next week to find out what the heck happened between frolicking in the fields and celebrating the new year in style.


My Liberation Notes: Episodes 9-10
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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