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Open Thread #761

COKE – music – yeah – tomorrow

Heat its true – spring where have you gone to – humidity less than 20% is the saving grace. no food for humans – this is why i always say food sector is where your invest in – everyone needs energy.

This week i was more or less done for – true entertainment. I easily go for no water no food for more than 24 hours but this time around i also had to walk for 9 km and had no food no water fir more than 24 hours. I thought my body could handle it.

Monday morning i only had 1.8 ltr of water and 100 gm of cookues. that’s it. by evening my body was burning – cheat was feeling different pressure – night time i tried to sleep – had sleep of 2 hours. So much easiness couldn’t sleep – walked for hours in garden – whole body was exhausted – sit then cheat won’t let you feel comfort – walk whole body in pain – next morning i had go visit convenience store – avoid main street for reasons and i ended up having travel of 9km – heat is true, my whole body in heated – heat beat too fast – i’m breathing thorough mouth – completely dry mouth – this this stupidity

somehow reached home – i had only 1 ltr milk, 2 ltr water and 1 kg curd and it brought the pain in my arms – thigh burning and in pain

Reached home – mother scolding me took – took cool water and poured over my body – i’m huffing n puffing – least of sweat – yeah
took half hor for hearbeat to become normal – did use ac, cooler, table fan – mother – hand fan and i’m secured. today is same day – just that drank 1 ltr water –

total entertainment –

i’m fruit guy and haven;t touched ant fruit for straight 15 months. It’s not about control or taking love but very much being a fool.

Open Thread #761
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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