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Kiss Sixth Sense: Episodes 11-12 (Final)

Kiss Sixth Sense: Episodes 11-12 (Final)

Our drama concludes this week, with predictable reveals, a gamut of tropes, and one too many nice, neat bows. Mysteries are solved and memories are retained, but can our couple slide into happiness? While we finally get an extended rehash of the past, the future is suddenly a lot less certain.


Is this the same show we’ve been watching for the past five weeks? Sure, we all knew the story was about take a cliff dive into the valley of cliches but I can’t imagine a less satisfying way to tie up all the threads. Rather than the waves of future happiness we were waiting for, we get a tsunami of tonal shifts, random storylines, and nonsensical filler — while simultaneously being robbed of seeing how Seung-taek and Ho-woo actually get back together. I’m glad it was only a twelve-episode run, but I would have been elated if it ended with Episode 10.

We finished last week with our happy couple finally acting out Ye-sool’s vision in Min-hu’s bed. This week we get the morning after where the tension is gone and “I love you” is in the air. But the good vibes are cut short when they kiss and Ye-sool sees a violent version of the future, where Min-hu is stabbed while trying to protect her. She keeps it a secret from Min-hu, while wondering if she can stop it from happening.

Meanwhile, Ye-sool’s mother’s new husband is hit by a car and seriously injured. The hit-and-run driver is KIM HAE-JIN (Um Hyo-sup) — Ye-sool’s favorite bartender (also, the man who intended to kidnap her two weeks ago). It seems that Hae-jin has been obsessed with Ye-sool’s mom since they were in college together, and he murdered Ye-sool’s dad in order to try to take his place (ya know, just your classic crazy). Both Min-hu and Ye-sool’s mother know about this but are surprised that Hae-jin has reappeared, since they thought he was dead. The two collude to keep the story a secret from Ye-sool.

By this point, Ye-sool is crazy in love with Min-hu and can’t bear the thought of her violent vision coming true. She tells Min-hu about it so he can be prepared (though Min-hu does not do the same for her, continuing to keep Hae-jin’s identity a secret). In an effort to change the future, Ye-sool decides to go to the US. She believes that if she is not with Min-hu, then he will not get hurt while trying to protect her.

Ye-sool doesn’t make it far before Hae-jin catches up to her. Not knowing he’s dangerous (because she’s been infantilized and kept in the dark), Ye-sool goes to Hae-jin’s bar where she feels safe. Of course, being the quintessential criminal that he is, he drugs her unconscious and takes her to the house where she grew up (which evidently has been sitting empty since her dad’s death). There, Hae-jin lights candles all around for extra creepiness and we see family photos with his face pasted over Ye-sool’s father’s.

Ye-sool escapes the house but, being chased, she runs onto a nearby frozen reservoir. It’s the location of her latest vision and she realizes this is where Min-hu will be stabbed. Ye-sool falls through the ice and into the water just as Min-hu arrives to dive in and bring her back to the surface. Under a blood moon, he gives her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and we see flashbacks of the same event happening when they were kids. This is how they got their powers.

As predicted, Hae-jin stabs Min-hu and injures him severely. Ye-sool, now conscious, holds a bleeding Min-hu in her arms on the ice. Not long after, the police arrive and arrest Hae-jin, and that’s the last we hear of him.

At the hospital, Min-hu is in a coma and Ye-sool gets her long-lost memories back as she waits for him to wake up. We learn that the two were close friends as kids. They met when Ye-sool was lost and Min-hu stumbled on her crying outside the orphanage where he grew up. After he helped her find her way home, Ye-sool’s parents were thankful and Min-hu became like one of their family (Min-hu even went into advertising because of Ye-sool’s dad).

The day Ye-sool’s father was murdered, Min-hu and Ye-sool came into the house while the killer was still there. Trying to escape, Ye-sool fell into the nearby reservoir and Min-hu saved her (with mouth-to-mouth under a blood moon). Both kids went into a coma and when Ye-sool woke up she’d forgotten not only the events of that night, but the whole summer (and thus forgotten Min-hu’s existence). (Is it just me or are there more cracks in this timeline than the ice they fell through? Before young Ye-sool leaves for the US with her mother, she sees Min-hu in a coma and tells him to wait for her. Didn’t she lose her memory of him before that? If not, how did she forget about him? Ugh, I’m done asking questions.)

While both the killer plot line and the childhood backstory are predictable and fairly boring, they at least make sense with the story. What comes after, however, seems to negate the themes of the show. When Min-hu wakes up from his coma, both he and Ye-sool have lost their powers (apparently what the blood moon gives it also takes away). Afterward (in a drastic change of tone), we see a series of comedic events making Min-hu and Ye-sool seem somewhat incompetent without their abilities. At the same time, losing their powers appears to make them lose their fated connection.

The two go public with their dating, but it’s a little too public. They fight all over the place, breaking up and making up constantly. We see their colleagues react to their fighting — but, unfortunately, we don’t see their reactions to the fact that they’re dating at all (after so much nosiness and speculation, I wanted to see the relationship reveal at the office). The string of fight scenes appears to be included to show that Min-hu and Ye-sool are not having the happiness they thought they would, but the scenes seem like filler in a story that should have ended earlier.

Until these last episodes, I thought the drama was about fate and the emotional growth that Ye-sool and Min-hu show as they make their way toward their destiny. I was wrong. The final idea is that they may not really be destined for each other, and so, they just need to take it one day at a time because they don’t know what will happen in the future. (Can someone please tell me then why we sat through all that childhood connection angst?!)

Here’s my issue: Ye-sool didn’t really know what was going to happen in the future even when she had premonitions. Having her abilities, and learning to react differently to what she sees, was a thread throughout most of the show. Losing her powers feels a little like stunting her growth (actually, with the current ending, it seems that neither Ye-sool or Min-hu has learned anything, or they’ve already forgotten what they learned from each other). Also, it makes the Pil-yo/Ye-sool storyline seem irrelevant in retrospect.

For me, one of two possible endings would have made more sense. In the first, we end the show last week, where Ye-sool and Min-hu keep their powers and continue to help each other deal with living with them — growing both as individuals and as a couple. In the second, they lose their powers, but the freedom enables them to live more happily together. As it stands, the ending makes me feel a little like Ye-sool when she has a premonition: confused, anxious, and seriously looking for ways to change it.


Kiss Sixth Sense: Episodes 11-12 (Final)
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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