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Link: Eat, Love, Kill: Episodes 13-14

Link: Eat, Love, Kill: Episodes 13-14

We already knew this neighborhood was a mess, but it’s even worse after learning exactly what secrets the residents have been harboring. Thanks to the actions of several of the adult residents, one little girl who could’ve been saved was left to fend for herself. Our tormented chef finds himself at a crossroads as he struggles under the weight of the truth about what happened to his little sister.


The neighborhood ajummas and ajusshis love to gossip, and Jin-geun’s death gives them a hot topic. I can’t even blame them for suspecting Da-hyun and family given both their odd behavior and the fact that they kind of did kill Jin-geun and put him in a freezer once. Gye-hoon isn’t left out, either, since everyone knows he and Da-hyun are together.

Gye-hoon, as usual, blames himself for not getting the full story about Gye-young before Jin-geun was murdered. To distract himself, Gye-hoon cooks a mini feast for the restaurant employees and Da-hyun’s family. I love that they feel the need to go around the table, each assuring the others that they didn’t kill Jin-geun.

Now that Jin-geun is dead, Eun-jung is adrift. She’d been living for revenge, and without it, she doesn’t know what to do with herself. Hopefully, with him gone, she’ll start to really live again.

On a random note, could people be less casual about their safety in this drama? Even knowing there’s a killer loose, people just go around by themselves after dark. Eun-jung and Da-hyun both go wandering around the neighborhood at night – Eun-jung is even tipsy!

Moving on, with the whole Jin-geun-dead-in-the-freezer (again) situation, Da-hyun and Gye-hoon find themselves in relationship limbo. Gye-hoon takes the initiative and says he doesn’t want to break up. He gets unusually vulnerable, admitting he was only surviving before he met Da-hyun and began to live. Gye-hoon earnestly asks her not to abandon him. Since there’s no way Da-hyun can break up with him now, they end up back together. So that breakup lasted all of a day.

Meanwhile, Won-tak gets himself into a spot of trouble. He sees Chief Seo harassing his dad again, and this time, he can’t stand by. Won-tak beats Chief Seo up, consequences be damned. He then resigns, never giving a reason for his behavior. Chief Seo heard Eui-chan call Won-tak “Se-jin,” so he puts it together.

We already knew Chief Seo is kind of awful, and he marks our first adult who didn’t help Gye-young when he had the chance. In flashback, we see that Gye-hoon had immediately gone to report his sister missing after feeling her fear, but Chief Seo literally laughed him out of the station. And then, of course, he went after the wrong man for about two decades.

In another secret reveal, we finally learn what Bok-hee has been hiding from Da-hyun all this time. Once she realized Da-hyun was missing back then, she frantically searched and found her unconscious on the street. A man was leaning over her with a weapon.

Both Jung-ho (the cop friendly with Bok-hee) and halmeoni arrived at that point. While Jung-ho was trying to hold the man off, Bok-hee hit him over the head, killing him. Rather than reporting it, Jung-ho convinced her to bury the truth to protect herself. He assured her that Gye-young’s case was totally separate because they didn’t find her after a search. That, sir, is an incredibly flimsy argument.

So now we’ve got one cop who ignored the case until it was too late and another who irresponsibly didn’t report another little girl going missing the same night. Then there’s Bok-hee who stayed silent. If only they were the only ones to play a role that night.

The most upsetting of them all, for me, was the shifty neighborhood ajusshi Dong-nam who currently lives in the house the girls were held in. After Gye-young got left behind by Da-hyun, she went up to Dong-nam on the street and asked him to save her from a bad man who was following her. Instead of helping her like a decent human, Dong-nam LEFT HER THERE. Who even does that?!

Feeling guilty, Da-hyun ends up telling Gye-hoon the truth about what her mother did. He’s stunned and for once, he can’t overlook his feelings knowing that Gye-young might’ve been saved if Bok-hee had reported the incident. When Bok-hee comes to apologize, he refuses to forgive her; he wants her to live in regret forever.

Gye-hoon is understandably exhausted and ready to leave the neighborhood (and maybe Da-hyun). I mean, it’s not like his restaurant has opened anyway. He makes a trip home to see his mom who is having a good day. She tells him not to worry about her and to contact his dad – he doesn’t need to let their fighting affect him. Gye-hoon still hasn’t told her his dad is missing, something I almost forgot about amid everything.

Meanwhile, the killer (whose name is Young-hoon) does his own reconnaissance thanks to Jin-geun trying to save his own skin by selling Da-hyun out. Young-hoon approaches her all neighborly and tries to suss out if she remembers him like Jin-geun said she probably does. Thankfully, he realizes she doesn’t fully have her memories back, and he leaves her alone for now.

Jung-ho isn’t so lucky. The two of them are close friends and have been for decades. After learning from Bok-hee that Da-hyun and Gye-young were kidnapped together, Jung-ho starts reinvestigating. He finally remembers that Young-hoon offered to help search that night. Specifically, he’d offered to search that house, and Jung-ho had let him.

Young-hoon realizes that Jung-ho has put two and two together, and he kidnaps him. He shares that the man Bok-hee killed was just a pawn. Young-hoon then admits that he did “hurt” Gye-young, but if Jung-ho had searched that house himself, he would have found her still alive.

Elsewhere, Dong-nam tries to ease his own guilt and rid himself of the specter of Gye-young. He tells Gye-hoon the whole story about how Gye-young had asked for his help but he left her there. His excuse? He was too tired to help someone else.

Gye-hoon is at the end of his rope, barely holding it together at this point. Da-hyun gets a ping through their link and calls him frantically. He says he misses her, so she runs to him. We end this week on them embracing. So I guess they’re not breaking up after all.

And we finally have the full story of what happened that night when all the adults refused to take responsibility, leaving a little girl to die. People can be terrible.

I had pretty much forgotten about the mystery of what the heck happened to Gye-hoon’s dad. Did the killer off him too? Maybe he got too close to the truth.

And then there’s the real mystery of the whole drama: will Gye-hoon’s restaurant ever open? Poor Jin-hoo is the only one who seems to care – after all he’s endured in this neighborhood as the only one with zero connection to what’s going on, the man deserves to open a restaurant in peace.


Link: Eat, Love, Kill: Episodes 13-14
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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