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Open Thread #767

Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

Always be careful what you wish for, Beanies! I have been talking about decreasing my laptop time for a couple of weeks now, and the universe keeps coming up with the most extravagant ways to make sure my wish comes true. The latest? Mononucleosis!🥱

I had been suffering from high fever combined with horrible migraine and muscle ache for a few nights in a row for no obvious reason and the doctor requested to draw some blood because he could not find anything either. The blood results came in on Tuesday and my body did not waste any time in chaining me to my bed and pillows.

Today I got to sit on the sofa and enjoy a proper meal for the first time. As a small reward I am writing this post quickly before curfew calls!😴

Open Thread #767
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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