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Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Caught in the labyrinthine den of murder that is Cheonbugwan, our heroes must once again barter for their lives using all their cunning. But, even if they escape, there’s another bet to contend with — and the stakes of our hero’s latest challenge against the Prince are about to get much higher.


Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

At Cheonbugwan, a storm is brewing — and not just politically. As clouds gather, Mu notes with distaste that rain interferes with soul ejectors. In fact, he recalls Bu-yeon, during their fatal trip across the lake, attempted to open the skies and destroy the ice stone she’d discovered.

Bu-yeon possessed powers unprecedented. So too, it seems, might our heroine, who has unwittingly used magic to open the constellation room ceiling. It’s just like that time with Lake Gyeongcheondaeho, only now with a basin and a very bemused Wook. Quiet hug time is over, as is any opportunity for investigation: Wook yanks her out of the way before lightning crashes against the water bowl.

The two don’t have long before Mu realizes they’re rather less dead than they ought to be. To add another layer of complication, Mu-deok’s eyes are out of commission due to what seems to be magical backlash. Luckily, Wook, as ever, is willing to forfeit his pride in exchange for their necks. Prince Won wakes to a spiritual notification ping from the yin jade.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

When Mu discovers our heroes’ hiding place, Wook puts on a clever show. He claims to have planted the yang jade on Eunuch Kim’s body. If Mu doesn’t act fast, Won will stumble upon a freshly petrified corpse. In actual fact, the jade is safe in Wook’s pocket. However, this gambit distracts Mu for long enough for Won to reach Wook in time to hear his story… without his master editorializing.

The master in question has been struck by a belated realization: Mu-deok in a blindfold bears uncanny resemblance to Bu-yeon. We’re treated to another glimpse of the now-familiar boat flashback — learning that when Bu-yeon attempted to destroy the ice stone, Mu seized it, shoving the girl into the lake.

Mu’s not the only one dwelling on past mistreatment of children. Sitting with Master Lee, Do-joo recalls the events following the death of Naksu’s father, Cho Chung. According to her, Jang Gang, forced to cut down his friend for the crime of practicing sorcery, disappeared to search for the daughter he left behind — a task he has still not accomplished, two decades on. Master Lee replies that the daughter is dead.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Across town, Yeom and Jin rush towards Cheonbugwan, alarmed by the fierce lightning. They arrive in time to join a skeptical Won (who’s rocking fresh-out-of-bed chic with a majestic ponytail) to adjudicate our heroes’ claims: that Mu unleashed a soul-shifter to kill them — a palace eunuch.

It looks like Mu might have backed himself into a political corner. However, Wook’s story hinges on one crucial aspect: Kim being dead. And, as it turns out, he is very much not. To the room’s astonishment, a smug Queen Ha-sun ushers an inexplicably still-breathing Kim into the hall. Wook and Mu-deok are forced to grit their teeth and claim they were lying in order to cover up the damage to the constellation room.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Their exit is not precisely frictionless. Mu demands that Cheonbugwan punish Wook. Still, he’s no match for the theatrical tour-de-force that is Wook and Mu-deok really committing to a deception. When Jin insists Wook is Songrim’s responsibility, Mu-deok flings herself at Won’s feet. Anything but that! Wook will be flogged to death! Wook, hardly missing a beat, sobs that if Jin requires his death, then he must of course submit.

Some couples finish each other’s sentences. These two finish each other’s lies. After much whimpering and wailing, they are escorted from the building.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Kim’s impromptu reanimation via ice stone is short-lived. He scarcely has time to protest before Ha-sun uses her power to extract the stone, once again rendering him a lifeless statue.

To Wook’s justifiable surprise, Jin believes him wholeheartedly. This incident is further confirmation that Mu possesses the ice stone — an item Jin’s certain is malevolent in of itself. Before Wook can argue this latter point, Mu-deok seizes his sleeve; while Jin might be their ally now, it’s still the two of them against the world. Later, Yul will hear of this reaction and draw his own worried conclusions.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Jin urges Wook to lie low, as per his pretend punishment. Wook remarks to Mu-deok that they ought to go train in Danhyanggok, but Mu-deok admits it’s too cold for that to be feasible. When she told Yul otherwise, it was only to spare his feelings — about his pet bird, that is.

Moreover, she adds, they should avoid being alone for safety’s sake. However, the power of the Bridge of Romantic Longing Mark 2 (now with 99% more longing) is strong. In what constitutes a stunning display of sentimental excess for Mu-deok, she admits that if she were to devour Wook’s energy and kill him, she’d find it unbearable. Wook, grinning, elects to interpret this as a reply to his love confession. Judging by her expression — which lies somewhere between that of a thief caught red-handed, and a woman skewered through the heart — he’s not far off the mark.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

With no couple’s retreat to Danhyanggok on the horizon, Wook elects to train at home. This time, he assures Mu-deok he won’t be ditching his responsibilities to fish with Master Lee. As such, he responds with no small amount of bafflement when she orders him to do just that. But, Mu-deok has her reasons: Master Lee has offered to help Wook catch a golden fish: one of the masses of energy formed within Lake Gyeongcheondaeho. Doing so requires mastery of Chisu, a skill that’ll propel Wook into the magical big leagues.

Back in the Murder Room at Cheonbugwan, So-yi has reached the wardrobe and makeup stage of her transformation into Bu-yeon. Much like every other stage so far, it’s nightmarish. Woo-tak himself delivers instructions on how to replicate every minor detail of his daughter’s appearance. The red mole behind her ear. The scar on her forearm. So-yi bites back her tears as acid is applied to her skin.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Afterwards, we linger on someone who possesses scar and mole both. You guessed it: Mu-deok! The writers have played fast and loose on this reveal, but it’s incontrovertible — our assassin wears the body of the original flavor Bu-yeon. Accept no substitutes!

While Wook is busy pouring heart and soul into his fishing — occasionally pausing to commiserate with Master Lee about their deeply convoluted love lives — Mu-deok gets an invitation from Do-joo to help with an important memorial service. In a gutting twist of fate, it turns out it’s for her father — and herself. Ever intent on looking after her own, Do-joo intends to pacify their spirits, protecting the Jang household from harm.

It’s one thing to watch your old body go up in flames. It’s another to be a stranger at your own father’s memorial. Mu-deok keeps it together until Do-joo leaves — before kneeling down to weep.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Her sorrow does not go unwitnessed. A visiting Yul has news for Wook: having mastered Chisu, his father will call him back to Seoho Fortress soon. There’s someone he wants to take with him. Wook, who came home in time to watch his friend watch the love of his life as she grieves, has a sinking feeling he knows who it is.

But, let’s backtrack. Why did Wook look so cheerful returning from fishing, before being ambushed by Yul and his whole deal? It turns out, he’s accomplished the impossible. After a few days by the lake, he’s put the decade most mages take to master the elements to shame, and reached Chisu. As Master Lee tells an apprehensive Jin, some people are simply… born great. And Wook, with his volatile destiny, has the potential to alter the world — for good, or ill.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Mu-deok, flush with triumph at her pupil’s success, overplays her hand a tad with Prince Won — who isn’t exactly on his best behavior. Wracked with jealousy, he gloats at the prospect of destroying the yin jade once Wook loses his tenth duel. Mu-deok is outwardly unconcerned: if Won really thinks she and Wook share a bond strong enough to bet her life on, it’ll survive the loss of a keepsake. Won, enraged at her deception, flings the jade into the nearby pond.

It’s time, he says, for Mu-deok to truly bet her life. She listens, unflinching, to the new terms he details — and does not relent. Bluff upon bluff has been called.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Long story short, when Wook arrives for his final fight, the stakes have risen drastically. Rather than the usual golden toad, the winner will walk away with… Mu-deok. And Wook’s opponent will not be the unrelentingly obnoxious CHA BEOM (Lee Ji-hoo), as expected, but rather: Yul.

As the only known Jeongjingak pupil with mastery of Chisu, Won recruited Yul in the hopes of certain success. And, if Yul has ulterior motives for wanting to win Mu-deok’s contract as servant… well, that’s between him and his immaculate pokerface.

When the two cross swords, it’s clear neither intends to let friendship get in the way of a no-holds-barred, bro vs bro showdown. Moreover, it’s no easy win for Yul. Wook shocks the crowd with his graceful deployment of techniques gleaned from his previous fights. To cap it all, he fearlessly pulls off Naksu’s signature Tansu, gathering water from the air with his newfound magical mastery and slamming Yul onto the defensive.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

But, here’s what I love about Alchemy of Souls: destiny or not, Wook has to work hard for his wins. And this one… isn’t a win. Yul sends him flying.

The spectators flock to Wook nonetheless, astounded by his prodigy. Wook, as ever, only has eyes for Mu-deok, but she’s already gone — first, to reprimand a royal prince for his sneakiness (as one does), and then to negotiate with her new master. Yul has just one request. When he returns to Seoho Fortress, he needs her help taking someone else with him. It’s an underhand move that feels shockingly beneath him. Unaware that the person in question is probably her, Mu-deok gives her word.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Back at Sejukwon, Wook tells Jin that Master Lee helped him achieve Chisu owing to a family matter. Cue a significant glance, and Jin experiencing quite possibly the full range of human emotion in a single instant. But, before he can do anything ruinous like hold an honest conversation about what he’s been withholding, Wook finishes: Master Lee likes Do-joo. The whiplash is real. Having identified his romantic rival, Jin is now in agony — all the while, convinced Do-joo still loves Jang Gang.

Do-joo, for her part, worries Jin just doesn’t like her that way. She receives ample consolation from Master Lee, a man unashamed of using his world-defying magical prowess to freshen up her flower arrangements in the hopes of making her feel less lonely.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Like father, like pseudo-son. Wook himself is feeling anything but normal about Mu-deok’s closeness with Yul: the sight of them bonding over homing pigeons is enough to drive him to despair. But Mu-deok is no less of a fool for love; she spends all night dredging the pond for her jade charm, reluctant to face Wook without it.

Elsewhere, Team Evil have been diligently at work. Under the pretext of presenting her with a new hairpin, Woo-tak pricks Cho-yeon’s neck — in much the same place as Mu-deok’s mole — extracting a strange red thread from the wound. Meanwhile, Mu sets about apprehending everyone who knows of So-yi’s true identity. He takes the opportunity to keep his protege nicely traumatized by forcing her to watch Ha-sun drain them to death.

Being passed around like a jade ornament must be taking its toll on Mu-deok, because the gloves are off this episode. She openly mocks Won whilst poor, long-suffering EUNUCH OH (Lee Ki-sub) sifts through the pond in search of the actual ornament she’s already retrieved. When the ever-unpleasant Beom mocks Wook’s illegitimacy, insinuating that he’s taken up celibacy to achieve his magical prowess, she snaps, calling him despicable. Then, when Beom raises a stink before Won, she takes great relish in brandishing her royal perfume sachet — while the prince she’s wrapped around her little finger watches, smug.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Only one thing causes her confidence to falter: catching Wook in laughing conversation with Yun-ok — and just as she was about to show him the yin jade, no less. Once she gets him alone, in a moment of understandable passive-aggression, she relates the incident with Beom. For all she knows, he could have become Master Lee’s pupil.

Wook, unfazed, ponders how he ought to prove otherwise. She meets his eyes, sullen. He hugs her. Unimpressed, she says he ought to go embrace the “pretty lady” instead. Wook asks if she really means it. Do it, she snaps.

And. He. Kisses. Her!!

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Here’s the glorious thing — holy UST, is it awkward. By which I mean, it’s flawless. It’s tender, and brief, and Mu-deok’s eyes are bulged wide open the entire time. After all, why on earth would this intricate, passionate game of emotional Jenga collapse with a single kiss? Why would they do anything other than attempt to continue their conversation, as if they hadn’t locked lips five seconds ago? Mu-deok’s so flustered, she almost forgets to show him the yin jade.

Alas, the two have other responsibilities than loudly pretending to have neither described nor acted on their feelings. Mu-deok’s distinctly un-maidlike gutsiness has not gone unnoticed: Jin has located the man who originally brought her to Chwiseonru, and has some pressing questions regarding her blindness — or lack of it.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14 Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

But Mu-deok’s cover remains intact: turns out, Jin’s witness has been bribed by Wook to keep up the pretense that she’s a simple villager. Mu-deok gleans some perplexing information: a thief named So-yi, robbed the former Mu-deok’s house. Her gisaeng friend, JU-WOL (Sojin), suspects she may still be searching for Mu-deok.

Intrigued, Mu-deok visits her former guardian again in the hopes of learning more. What she finds instead is his corpse. Worse still — someone else finds it too. Jin brandishes a sword to her throat, accusing her of murder.

Meanwhile, Wook joins Master Lee to meet King Soon — who, much like his predecessor, has one thing on his mind: longevity. He asks Master Lee how he manages to look so young. In a reveal that, despite being long foreshadowed, hit me like a sledgehammer, Master Lee informs him that his original body is long dead. He is a soul-shifter… and he’s here to sniff out the one that lurks in the palace.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14

Talk about intricate plotting! This show never condescends. Most of its reveals are expertly foreshadowed in the sense that we’re meant to guess the what, but we’re left on tenterhooks about the why. This one, though, was of a different caliber: the breadcrumbs were there, but we weren’t necessarily expected to follow.

See, I reckon Alchemy of Souls prioritizes cleverness of a particular kind — both in its writing and characterization. This is a trickster sort of plot, in the same way that Mu-deok is a trickster sort of protagonist. And can I just say, I love the latter? Our heroine is a creature of guile — when the odds are against her, she’ll finagle her way out with a clever deception or a creative gambit. Even better, Wook’s the same, and it’s almost entirely due to her influence. At first glance, he looks like your archetypal hero with the powerful destiny, but he’s all about practicality and survival.

He and Mu-deok are accustomed to being downtrodden, or dismissed as useless — and, as such, they’ve learned to rely on their wits. They both recognize that a loss is not necessarily a defeat. Sometimes, as with Wook’s ten successive duels, it can be an opportunity. Learn to fake a smile. Lose the battle, but win the war. Know the value of a good lie. That’s the rule book Wook and Mu-deok play by — and I can’t wait to see where it’ll take them.

Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14


Alchemy of Souls: Episodes 13-14
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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