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Open Thread #773

This would be sort of a tragedy for me. I have pretty much given up on other types of tv because I feel like they never know when to stop. You can create something great, and then because it’s popular and making money, it drags on for too long and becomes something so much less than it was. I don’t know how many shows I have watched like this. Maybe I liked the first two seasons, but after that things just went downhill. That’s what I love about kdramas. You tell a story in it’s entirety, and then you get out of there. If it’s really successful, you can tell another story that is kind of like it, but with a different premise, a different spin, different details, different characters.

I’m not 100% against second seasons, and there are certainly shows for which that works well, but I don’t want that to become the norm. Then you have to worry about whether you can get actors back, whether you have enough ideas/material, whether you will plan for another season and then get cancelled, etc.

Comic book stories are the perfect example of this to me. They go on for so long that eventually they have to invent wild scenarios to make all the disparate pieces fit together, and that’s pretty much always when I lose interest. I think the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going through this right now, and I know I’m a lot less interested in these stories than I once was.

I accepted that Alchemy was going to need two seasons because it had a big story to tell. I will be really disappointed if they are going to use season two to tell a different/side story, or if they keep spinning things off from there. I just don’t think it’s possible to maintain the quality for that long.

Open Thread #773
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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