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The Witch is Alive: Episode 5 (Drama Hangout)

It was not a surprise that Hee Soo’s real story was left hanging out to dry with accusations, misinformation and assumptions about Mother’s death. Her husband is still a tool now that the D card has been played.

Speaking about a deck of divorce cards, Nak-Gu is getting the WORST legal advice on the planet. Dive head first into the public quicksand with another lame confession knowing Ma-Ri is a dangerous and better counter-striker. I like how the one reporter rolled his eyes at the press conference. How could Nak-Gu think eloping with his mistress and running over his wife would score points with a judge? Any TV judge would sentence them to stay together, forever.

The one story line that really went off the rails was Jin-A. Is her “dead” husband Woo-Bin such a meek, fish out of water baby? He could easily untie the knot on the closet door. Geez, man up. Then not knowing why is was gone for 5 years should have been the FIRST thing she should have asked of him (instead of locking him up – – – what was that for?) Having a packet of money fall out at the beginning of the make-up sex triggers a potential story line of the dead husband getting away with murder for the insurance money since he could never be a suspect because he is dead.

In the three ladies’ premise trilogy, it is still anyone’s guess:
DIVORCE: Ma-Ri and Hee Soo
BABY: Jin-A if they complete the act
DEATH: All three in some form or fashion: Ma-Ri instead of divorce, Hee Soo because she is abandoned, or Jin-A for the insurance money.

The Witch is Alive: Episode 5 (Drama Hangout)
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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