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If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

It’s a heavier week as we deal with our less than welcome guest at the hospice, gangsters, and some emotional turmoil. After learning the mysterious patient’s identity, our little supervisor tries to handle the situation on his own. And he’s not the only one – you’d think Team Genie would act as a team to solve problems, but instead, they each try to take on the burden alone to disastrous consequences.


If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

After the Ki-joon identity reveal, Gyeo-re is rightfully suspicious of his father’s uncharacteristically meek demeanor. Gyeo-re even visits the unpleasant director of the orphanage where he grew up. She confirms that his father didn’t ever come to see him – in fact, Gyeo-re was the only child without a single visitor, which she attributes to his parents being horrible.

I thought Gyeo-re might hide his identity from Ki-joon, but I should’ve known he’s too straightforward for that. He comes right out and tells Ki-joon his name. Ki-joon tears up and promises that he truly lost his memories, but the moment Gyeo-re leaves, his mask drops.

The jerk has known from the start who Gyeo-re is, and now that he’s been found out, Ki-joon starts causing trouble. At this point, half of the hospice has seen him awake and roaming, but since NO ONE TALKS TO EACH OTHER, nothing is really done about it. Everyone just tries to solve it themselves (surprise, surprise – that doesn’t work).

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

We get some accidental secret sharing when Yeon-joo overhears a conversation between Ki-joon and Gyeo-re and learns that they’re father and son. She brings it up with Gyeo-re who confirms it’s true. Naturally, Yeon-joo feels guilty for unwittingly putting them in each other’s paths.

Meanwhile, the orphan siblings’ grandmother passes away, leaving them without a home. Gyeo-re is determined to save these children and even looks into whether he could be their guardian. But their aunt still wants to take the kids, so he has no choice but to let them go. He does buy a phone especially so they can call him, though. His bond with these kids is so sweet.

In Gyeo-re fashion, he threatens the aunt and her partner that he’ll be watching to ensure they treat the kids well. Thankfully, the aunt turns out to be okay. She even thanks Gyeo-re for his interference and vigilance, crediting him with making her better with the kids.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

Now that Ki-joon is back, Gyeo-re can’t help but see his father in himself whenever he loses his temper or almost gets into fights. When he gets down about it, Yeon-joo reminds him that he’s a good person who is loved by many.

In case we needed further proof that Gyeo-re isn’t like his father, Ki-joon’s evil is on full display. Despite being an abusive, horrible father who doesn’t deserve the title, Ki-joon gets angry that his son likes Team Genie enough to leave them his money. So Ki-joon freaking stabs the nice social worker who’s on Team Genie and then starts rumors that Gyeo-re did it. He also starts a rumor that Gyeo-re came to the hospital to steal their morphine.

I knew Ki-joon was terrible, but what the heck? How dare this man ruin his son’s life for a second time out of pettiness?! If he wants Gyeo-re to like him that much, I don’t know, maybe try not being horrible. Yeon-joo is not having his nonsense and confronts Ki-joon about it, but it does no good. And now I’m just worried that he’ll target her because she admits to loving Gyeo-re.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

In Ki-joon’s twisted mind, this is all Tae-shik’s fault. I can understand him being mad that Tae-shik landed him in a coma, but he’s actually angrier that Tae-shik “stole” Gyeo-re, the son he’s currently framing for murder. He may not love Gyeo-re, but he’s super possessive of him.

He goes so far as to try to get Gyeo-re to turn Tae-shik in by promising to let Yeon-joo and the others off if he does. Ki-joon took a video of Tae-shik attacking him, so there’s no doubt that he’ll be charged. Gyeo-re isn’t about to play his father’s games, but he can’t go so far as to kill him either – he tries to strangle him but can’t go through with it.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

Oblivious to the dramatic goings on at the hospice, Tae-shik makes saving Joon-kyung his new mission at the hospital. Once she recognizes him as Gyeo-re’s mentor, she’s borderline nice to him and hopes he can help her be happy too.

Tae-shik does some digging and discovers that she was a survivor of an apartment fire. Joon-kyung’s mother died getting her out. Learning that her family didn’t abandon her changes her perspective, as does the realization that Seok-joon is a survivor of that same fire. His backstory is particularly awful: his parents poisoned themselves and him, and only he survived. Afterwards, he and Joon-kyung were taken to the orphanage together, which she had forgotten.

When she sees a text from Seok-joon agreeing to her murder proposal, Joon-kyung is healed enough to care, I guess. She warns Gyeo-re and apologizes. So not only does Gyeo-re have to deal with his abusive father ruining his new life, he now has to avoid getting murdered.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

Ki-joon makes his next move and calls Tae-shik, spilling the beans about having been at the hospice this whole time. As Tae-shik rushes to the hospice, Ki-joon gets back in touch with his gangster minion, the same gangster gunning for Gyeo-re because of the money. They then steal a bunch of morphine and ready a second victim to blame on Gyeo-re.

Because no one has learned to stop keeping dangerous secrets to themselves, Yeon-joo sneaks around the hospice by herself and records the theft. She gets caught by Ki-joon but is saved by Tae-shik’s arrival. He’s had it and starts strangling Ki-joon who seems to be enjoying himself.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14

Gyeo-re gets there next and reminds Tae-shik how hard everyone worked so he wouldn’t be a murderer. Plus, he’s just giving Ki-joon what he wants. That convinces Tae-shik to stop strangling Ki-joon.

Then, the gangsters join the party. Ki-joon looks surprised that they know Gyeo-re, but he just stands and watches as Gyeo-re struggles unsuccessfully to fight them off. The episode ends as the gangster boss swings a bat toward Gyeo-re’s head.

Not that Ki-joon really cares if Gyeo-re gets hurt, but I seriously doubt he’ll be okay with his subordinate having the audacity to attack his son. I hope we get all this gangster and evil daddy stuff resolved quickly because we’ve only got a week left, and I’d like to get back to the warm, healing part of the drama. More Gyeo-re bonding with adorable children and less bloody fights, please and thank you.

If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14


If You Wish Upon Me: Episodes 13-14
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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