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Open Thread #780

Social interactions are like the hardest thing ever for me, but I really like hanging out with my friends so I feel like all the stress is worth it. Yesterday I was watching a dating show with a friend and her boyfriend. I was dying inside because I’m not close to him (the three of us have been living together the whole year but yesterday was the first time we did something together😆), but it turned out good. It was fun.
Actually, I asked my friend if he hated me and she told me that he thought that I hated him and the show said “you two are the same person. Soulmates. I guess I attract people with resting witch faces that make people believe they hate everyone” 😂

Anyway, I really had a nice week. I spent time with friends I haven’t seen some time, and I saw my bestie again. It was really nice. I did like zero studying but wtv 😊 I can cry about it later.

What about you beanies? How was your week?
Have a nice day/night 💚

Open Thread #780
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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