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Open Thread #784

Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

Recently we had a drama chat about hot Ajusshis, also known as Ahjuicy😉 To continue this topic I would like to share my fangirl moment when I met one of my many celebrity crushes on a convention last Sunday. The Scottish Ahjuicy goes by the name Billy Boyd and played hobbit Pippin in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I discovered him and the movies back in college and spent many hours staring at a particular picture of him that would make his beautiful light green eyes pop.👀

As luck would have it, said picture was available for signing!🥳I quickly grabbed one and handed it over to the crew, along with a paper name tag and the money for the signature. He verified if I were “Turrrtie” with his Scottish brogue, and that was only strike one. I had barely slept and could only watch and stare as he took his time to sign. He did ask me whether I was having fun and I answered that I was, but still in the process of waking up. He looked at his phone and seemed to be confused by that “because it is nearly eleven, almost time for Elevensies!”😆I did thank him and told him he was blessed before I left. He smiled warmly and thanked me for that.

The photoshoot followed right after and my friend and I awkwardly shuffled in line until it suddenly was our turn. We both went to stand beside him and linked our hands together behind his back while he slid his arms around our backs. All very proper with manner hands from the three of us! The final strike for me came as my friend and I left for the exit after the photo. I was still standing pretty close to him as he turned towards us to thank and greet us…and suddenly those breathtaking green orbs were gazing into mine for a split second!😍

I am glad to tell you all that I am back to normal now, well mostly.😊

Open Thread #784
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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