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You can only pick one: Namgoong Min performance

You can only pick one: Namgoong Min performance

Welcome to our new feature! You can only pick one, and boy the pressure is on. The DB team will answer a new prompt in each post, and you’re invited to do the same in the comments. Ready to play?

What’s your favorite Namgoong Min performance?

missvictrix: Unpopular answer is that it took me a while to warm up to Namgoong Min, and while I love his comedic performances (though I did miss Chief Kim, whoops!) I actually liked him in The Veil the best. I don’t know, I think I just have a weakness for brutal, fearless, badass black ops agent characters with sexy scars.

mistyisles: So… I have a weird, completely irrational aversion to Namgoong Min. I’m sure he’s lovely, and I know he’s a talented actor, so the only explanation I can come up with is that he did too good of a job with the back-to-back villains in Girl Who Sees Smells and Remember: Son’s War. I guess I’ll pick the former as my favorite, since I remember being impressed by him there (and I’d rather forget the latter exists).

DaebakGrits: Stove League is one of my favorite dramas, so I’m obviously picking Baek Seung-soo, the new general manager of the floundering baseball team the Dreams, as my favorite Namgoong Min role. I’m a sucker for an underdog sports drama, and I love watching Seung-soo defy people’s expectations time and time again to help his new team rise to the top. I think the most appealing part of this character is his quiet confidence in the face of everyone’s doubts. He lets the results speak for themselves.

solstices: I was having a hard time deciding, and then I finally started watching One Dollar Lawyer, and I’m sold. Namgoong Min brings his usual charisma to the role, with a side of offbeat quirkiness and debonair vintage suits — it’s hilariously perfect. This is quickly shaping up to become one of my favorite roles of his, even though it’s only been a few episodes. I’m not all caught up yet, but I’ve seen clips of his acting in the flashback scenes, and color me impressed. Versatility is a term that suits Namgoong Min to a tee, and I love that this role allows him to show off his acting chops on both ends of the emotional spectrum.

Unit: I’m partial to dramas that make me laugh, and maybe that’s why Chief Kim sits at the top of my favorite dramas list. Kim Sung-ryong was a wacky and chaotic character, and his brand of humor might have fallen flat if played by someone without good comedic timing. But Namgoong Min has that timing on a lockdown, and he fully immersed himself in the role. No holds barred, no restraints, just an actor having an absolute blast in bringing an already interesting-on-paper character to life. Kim Sung-ryong was more than a clown, though, and thanks to Namgoong Min’s nuanced performance, I was also able to see the heart beneath his wacky exterior. Again, maybe it’s because I’m partial to humorous characters, but for someone who played one of the most goosebump-inducing K-drama psychopaths I have ever watched, Namgoong Min’s total transformation as Kim Sung-ryong is worthy of being my favorite performance of his.

Dramaddictally: Chief Kim! He puts his lips on Junho’s face, was there any way I was picking another performance? I love Namgoong Min here for playing the zany one while pretty much every character around him plays “the straight man.” Or is he just so over the top it makes everyone else seem buttoned down? In either case, it gives him lots of room for absurd antics and bringing out his bright smile — which is even brighter when it’s paired against Junho’s angry face in their building bromance. The drama has an overall great cast, but Namgoong Min steals the show in this one.


You can only pick one: Namgoong Min performance
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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