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[Beanie Recs] Looking for a simple feel-good drama

I am going to define a simple feel good drama as a drama that has no stalkers, serial killers, murders, blood, guns, knives, stabbing, terminal illnesses/nearly terminal illnesses, abusive/traumatic childhoods, fights over controlling stock shares, overly nasty in-laws/in-laws to be, overly nasty jilted lovers, revenge themes, bad/abusive marriages/relationships. A feel good drama should have a simple happy ending where everyone gets to be happy (a happy ending to me is not an ending where everyone else suffers/dies so that the happy couple can be together). Then, as I was making my list, I realized that almost all of my feel good dramas had love triangles, and I had to delete almost all of the dramas on the list as love triangles can be stressful since someone is inevitably hurt. So, this is all that is left of my list:

Welcome to Waikiki 1 and 2 Both of very funny and light.
High End Crush Just a fun drama for laughs and love

[Beanie Recs] Looking for a simple feel-good drama
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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