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Open Thread #792

Hi beanies, I hope you had a nice week. 😊

After talking for three hours with my mom about the dating shows I’ve been watching I finally feel like I’m in the right place, now I feel like I’m home.
Nothing makes me happier than talking with my mom about the things I watch, do, experience, etc. Even if my mom isn’t interested at first, she listens and after a few words she gets invested in the conversation.

I love how she always starts with “why would you watch that?” Or “that isn’t my style” but by the end she says something like “did they end up together??” “good for her”. 🤣

When I started talking about Pink Lie was said “oh, no. Horrible. Why would they lie? It’s like falling in love with someone you don’t know” but at the end she was like “nice show, people shouldn’t have prejudice against others. They all had their reasons to make those decisions”. I love my mom and I missed her so much. My siblings too.
Now I can watch kdramas without feeling jealous of the cute families. Yay!

Korea and my country have some cultural similarities since we have a collectivist culture (well our at least our roots are, but now we’re trying to be more individualistic), so everytime I watch a family drama I get all the feels. It feels like watching my family!
I’m glad I don’t have to see my family on the screen anymore.

Anyway, have a happy holidays beanies. 😊 Love you. 💚

Open Thread #792
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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