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Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10

Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10

After a horrible incident happens, the town closes its ranks against our heroine once again. Meanwhile, with a week left in the show, we are nowhere close to solving the mystery behind the murder at the billiard hall.


Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10

We pick up this week with Yeo-reum’s shock at seeing Geun-ho on her rooftop. But before he can frighten her further, his mother comes out to mitigate the situation. Apparently, Geun-ho used to like Sun-ah, and after seeing her die in the billiard hall, he’s worried Yeo-reum will end up dead too since she now lives there. Hence his vandalism of the building with graffiti to ensure that she leaves.

His mother begs Yeo-reum not to report Geun-ho to either the landlord or the police because she’s afraid they’ll force her to send Geun-ho to a care home. And while Yeo-reum is reluctant to keep the incident a secret, she agrees to silence after Bom’s grandmother assures her that Geun-ho is a good guy.

Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10

With the vandalism problem sorted (sort of), Yeo-reum now has time for other activities like texting all night with Dae-beom — who just got his first phone. I chuckled when she had to teach him how to use emojis, and in typical Dae-beom-like behavior, his first set of emojis were picked at random.

In another set of firsts, Dae-beom goes on a movie date with Yeo-reum, and I love how he’s open to doing new things with her. Distance isn’t even a barrier to their relationship while he’s in Seoul, as they virtually go for jogging sessions together every morning. And if Yeo-reum didn’t achieve much in Angok, at least her running stance has most definitely improved. Heh.

Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10

Yeo-reum spends the rest of her time eating home cooked meals at Bom’s thanks to Grandmother, and having fun sleepovers as the girls plan date activities with Dae-beom and Jae-hoon respectively. With the bond Yeo-reum has built with Bom’s family, it’s almost as though she has always belonged with them. She even begins to teach Grandmother how to read and write because Grandmother has always wanted to learn how to write the names of all the members of her family.

Unfortunately, good things in Angok are always bound to come to an end. And when Grandmother goes to drop off some side dishes at Yeo-reum’s house, she ends up dead. Sigh! CCTV footage puts Geun-ho in the house at the time of the murder, and with graffiti sprayed on the inner walls of the house, it’s almost a no-brainer that he gets arrested for the crime.

Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10

Yeo-reum’s belated confession to the police that Geun-ho has been the one behind the graffiti earns her a slap from Bom’s father for speaking up too late, and my God, I’ve never seen a more annoying character! He doesn’t even look sincere as he pleads for his children’s forgiveness for all his past misdeeds. And it’s even more annoying how he expects Bom to immediately take up the task of managing the house. She shouldn’t be handed such a responsibility as she’s just a kid for goodness sake! Tsk.

Ji-young returns to Angok for the funeral, but she fails to mention Grandmother’s passing to Dae-beom. She also ensures that none of the townspeople alert him either, and because it’s Ji-young, I doubt her intentions are noble. Even if they are and she truly doesn’t want to distract him from his work in Seoul, it’s still not her call to decide for him. She just robbed him of his chance to say goodbye to Grandmother, and that’s unfair.

Bom’s father chases Yeo-reum out of the funeral and it’s not surprising that none of the guests speak up for her. What hurts the most is Bom’s silence, and while I can’t blame her much because she’s grieving, she should also know that Yeo-reum’s silence on Geun-ho’s vandalism was not intended to put Grandmother in danger. But Bom needs someone to blame for her grandmother’s death and Yeo-reum is the best punching bag for that. And with the rest of the town also against Yeo-reum, she finally decides that it’s time for her to leave.

Yeo-reum figures Grandmother would still be alive if she didn’t come to Angok, and Dae-beom wouldn’t have had to contact his professor to pay Bom’s hospital bills. Thanks to getting back in touch with the professor, Dae-beom has now been sucked into the black hole of numbers and equations. And worse, the professor was the one who arranged the whole ethics committee hearing thing to ensure that Dae-beom returned to Seoul. He knew full well that once Dae-beom got started on the theory again, he wasn’t going to stop until he completed the paper with his professor.

Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10

It’s incredibly evil how manipulative and selfish some human beings can be, and when Ji-young learns about what the professor did, she snaps Dae-beom out of the black hole with the news that Yeo-reum is leaving town. Hopefully, Dae-beom returns just in time to stop her from leaving. But maybe it’s a good idea for Yeo-reum to leave Angok anyway, because everyone in the town is just weird. Today, they’re on your side, and tomorrow, they turn their backs on you without listening to an explanation.

Despite Geun-ho’s parents’ insistence that their son is innocent, nobody believes them. The whole thing reeks of a setup, but with the CCTV footage and Geun-ho’s alleged confession, the police refuse to investigate further. Between taking statements from Dae-beom as a minor without the presence of an adult with him, and taking a statement from someone with special needs without a professional present, I have no idea what these Angok cops were taught during their training. Anyway, I hope another body doesn’t have to drop for them to realize that they’ve got the wrong guy, and the real killer is still out there probably hiding in plain sight.


Summer Strike: Episodes 9-10
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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