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Payback: Episodes 7-8

Payback: Episodes 7-8

With a precarious partnership now at play, our heroes have finally gained the upper hand. But just when the final blow looks like it might fall, the tables turn yet again. Deal-making and deal-breaking on both sides is becoming more rash, and this battle looks like it will only get worse.


This week of chaos begins with a flashback as we see Yong get his first taste of big money making after overhearing one of Myung’s conversations and looking at some of his documents. Grasping an understanding of Myung’s stock market strategy, Yong uses it to his own advantage to make some dough on his own. Successfully, he hits the jackpot and lets the world know that he’s going to be rich.

Back in the present, we see Tae-choon up to some undercover activity as he finds a way to step in as the designated driver for Myung’s lawyer, LEE SOO-DONG (Kwon Hyuk). After arriving at one of their hideouts, Tae-choon drops off Soo-dong and snaps a few pictures of the guarded abandoned building.

After setting up a deal with his guard, threatening to take everything from him as leverage, Yong meets with Jun-kyung’s friend, PROSECUTOR HAM JIN (Choi Jung-in) at the prison. Previously, she didn’t step in when Jun-kyung asked her for help, but she came around and decided she would put herself out there for Yong and her friend. After Ki-seok finds out that she’s helping Yong, he quickly regains the leverage, setting up Jin with a nice “promotion.”

Tae-choon, meanwhile, has gotten deeper into the gang ring tracking down his target, only to almost be kidnapped by them when they trap him in an alleyway. Thankfully, the police show up and scare the thugs off as they were already there for an undercover investigation that Tae-choon nearly ruined. After lecturing him for his rashness, they let him know that Jun-kyung has regained consciousness.

With some extra freedom after striking a deal with his guard, Yong is able to visit Jun-kyung. Here we see the cute reunion between the two — a scene that perfectly encapsulates how much the two care about each other, especially Yong for Jun-kyung (awww). As everyone shows up to reunite with Jun-kyung, the whole squad gets together to discuss (more) plans to take down Myung.

In court, Yong cuts off the attorney general, surprising everyone, and invites Jun-kyung in to represent him as his lawyer in court. Despite not doing much as of yet in this drama, her entrance into the court room was full of power. And the bordeaux-colored suit she was wearing? *Mwah* Cherry on top. Here’s to hoping we get more substance from Jun-kyung’s character moving forward.

With Yong’s idea proceeding as planned, all of the companies Myung has invested in are now being investigated by Prosecutor Ham which will expose his market manipulation activities. Ki-seok flies off the handle with Myung as he always has to clean up his messes — and this one is a particularly big one. In the heat of the argument, Myung slaps Ki-seok angering him more. I did not expect Ki-seok to confront Myung like this, but it creates a more interesting dynamic between the two of them – one that seems like there are holes that can be poked through.

Speaking of holes in their relationship, Yong hops onto the opportunity quick as lightning to strike a deal with Ki-seok to work against Myung. Yong promises to take all of Myung’s wealth and give it to Se-hee, while in the process making Myung grovel at Ki-seok’s feet.

This is a team-up I didn’t expect, however I see the value that Yong has his eyes on. I’m sure he won’t completely faithfully work with Ki-seok as he will just use him for what he needs, but Ki-seok is most definitely smart enough to know this is in the plan too. As they say, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

Following the newfound partnership between Yong and Ki-seok, Yong has his own office space and Tae-choon is reinstated after his disciplinary suspension. Tae-choon, working with Yong, pitches a particular case to Ki-seok in hopes of him using the team to investigate (thus setting Yong’s plan in motion). Ki-seok also gives information to Myung on the companies he is investigating. This is so that Myung can profit while Ki-seok’s reputation gets better simultaneously.

As his plans are coming to fruition consistently, Yong seemingly has Ki-seok and Myung in the palm of his hands as Ki-seok is doing everything he is wanting him to. Under the surface, however, both are waiting for the right moment to bite one another, awaiting some form of betrayal.

After being set up in a lofty penthouse by Han-na with top of the line security, Jun-kyung uses the head guard to search for and retrieve Jin-ho. Bringing him back to the penthouse, she uses his addiction to drugs to get him to talk. Revealing that the drugs Myung was going to give him were poisonous, Jin-ho realizes that Myung didn’t value him and drops his support for the chairman. This opens the door for Jun-kyung to get information out of him regarding CEO Oh’s death and more.

It’s sad to see how far he falls when the drugs are a factor, as Jin-ho is someone who meant — and means — so much to Yong. I’m hoping Jun-kyung can really turn him around, hopefully adding another strong piece to the team in the process.

Myung sets up a meeting with Yong. Attempting to strike a deal to work with Myung, Yong offers to give him a huge stack of money for Jun-kyung’s thumb drive and some dirt on Ki-seok. Randomly, Myung turns the tables and tells Yong he won’t make the deal with him, shocking Yong. Our big baddie strikes back hard, stating that he’s willing to file for bankruptcy if it means he will be safe despite all the harm he will cause everyday citizens due to the market crash. This extreme move takes Yong way off-guard.

Myung, actually moving forward with his brazen chess move, uses this to make sure Ki-seok knows he still holds the power in that relationship. He also throws Soo-dong out as the scapegoat. Sheesh! Myung making this bold move was way out of left field. I don’t know what Yong will do to put pressure back on Myung, but he definitely needs to think quick as this is a devastating loss.

Our week ends when we see a rattled Ki-seok meeting Yong in the prison. He almost lets his rage get the best of him, balling up a fist ready to punch. Yong forces him to think rationally and that leads to Ki-seok telling Yong he is going to throw Tae-choon under the bus by revealing that he leaked prosecution information. Yong stares back, seeming more confident than not. I wonder what cards he’s holding, especially after his long night of thinking of a fitting counter attack.

We’re in for a ride next week, as this week seemed to be the beginning of the end. Myung’s bombshell move shook everything, so now we wait for a response from our hero. He’s been outplayed in this round, but something tells me he’s not done yet. A fight against pure evil is bound to get dirty, and Yong better have something good up his sleeve, because things aren’t looking so hot for our team of justice-seekers.


Payback: Episodes 7-8
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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