I think I would prefer to play a dramaland extra. The most insignificant extra in the whole show.
First of all, I’m not a nice person.
Dramaland has this rule were the herod pretend to be some kind of saints, and they act like the most righteous person in Korea, and they’re like extremely selfless and warm. But I’m not like that, I even kind of dislike that kind of people. I feel like heroes are judgy, dumb, boring, and tooooo much talk.
I remember that for the first half of The Devil Judge I just wanted to slap Jin Young’s character. Min Young unnie’s character was my favorite.
And even if the character isn’t totally annoying, heroes are always making sacrifices, having a hard time, their whole family gets killed, etc.
So I can’t/won’t (or want to) be a hero.
A villainess… I like to mind my own business, and I’m probably the least greedy person in world. I don’t need much. I’m chill. And I really don’t care what other people do with their lives. I don’t think I would have something to fight for. And even if I had, I would probably let the other person have it. I just don’t like fighting.
Oh, wait, and let’s not forget about how villains always have a sad ending in these shows: Jail… If it is a sageuk I would probably get tortured and killed.
Yeah. Both options seem exhausting.
I love dramas but being a kdrama character kinda sucks.
[Drama chat] Hero versus villain
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily