Y’all, I’m back! 2 years without commenting. 3 years without my fan wall.
I probably will only be commenting on OT. I’m watching mainly BLs. And trying to get back into music.
Life update:
Just got out of 4 months in multiple mental health hospitals.
I’m homeless but staying with my brother.
My nephew is in the system.
My best friend just started talking to me after 19 months apart.
My husband is a psychotic liar I need to divorce.
I don’t have the stamina or confidence to work.
I am struggling with my two earing disorders.
So how am I distracting myself?
Country music
Lots of Taylor Swift, One Direction, Luhan, Lee Michelle, 5sos, Dove Cameron, Mickey Guyton, Justin Bieber, Hanson, 4*town, EXO
I’ve learned I’m a huge fam of who Hazza is as a person. But Harry’s music is not for me.
Dove Cameron is my latest ex Disney crush. And Jordan Fisher. Who has THE most adorable baby.
The New Employee: on hold on ep 5
The director who buys me dinner: cute! On ep 7
Never Let Me Go: Fantastic on ep 7
My school president: puased on ep 2
Jinxed at First: on hold. Will pick up after Oh! My Baby
Oh! My Baby: don’t really care. But picking back up today for Nara eonnie.
The End of the world with you: so fascinating.
Moonlight Chicken: Behind. On ep 2 today.
Miracles in Cell no. 9: paused. Finishing Saturday.
My Beautiful Man s2: changing my life!
You Are my Destiny: on ep 1. picking up Sunday.
Just finished:
Rational Creatures: A Persuasion web series 3 years in the making. As good as Emmy winning Lizzie Bemnet Diaries.
Individual Circumstances: I need Korea to stop with BL shows and just make them R rated movies because the fish kisses are killing me.
Semantic Error: not a fish kiss!
Takara-kun & Amagi-kun: perfect!
Candy Color Paradox: bed scene!
Old Fashioned Cupcake: I freaked when he kissed his cheek while he was sleeping. Had to come back months later and finish. Probably cause of my SA.
Bug Dragon: ridiculous plot and plot twist. But VERY sexual! Weird to go from BDSM to vanilla but whatever.
Mr. Unlucky has no choice but to Kiss: so much fun! Where’s season 2?
Senpai, this can’t be Love: paused on ep 6. Finished, missed the punch of the ending.
Ocean like Me: No! No! No!
Oh, My Assistant: wish I could erase from my mind. The casting was perfect. The rest was horrible!
Plus & Minus: watching clips still brings me joy.
Cherry Blossoms after Winter: amazing! Need second season. Need to finish the web tool.
The tasty Florida I paused this on for a long time. I need to watch all the way through again to really appreciate the ending. But their skinship was amazing.
My Beautiful Man s1: perfect!
Elizabeth the Jaded: About an orphan who goes to…
Open Thread #800
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily