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Would You Rather #6

Would You Rather #6

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


Okay, I guess I threw another easy pitch with last week’s prompt. What can I say? I forgot about Hotel del Luna’s whole magical indoor beach thing, and I totally get why that particular selling point made the hotel a clear winner for @palaa, @parkchuna, and many others. Not to mention the other live-in luxuries, the cars, and the immortality that comes from being the proprietor of the hotel. For most, it seems like people selected this option for the job perks and/or because they were too scared to tackle an exorcism. @gikata, on the other hand, was totally up for the “investigating and ass-kicking” of performing exorcisms — right up to the point where the job required socializing with the living in order to sell the houses. So, yeah, the hotel gets another check in the pros column for the limited human interaction.

Beanies who opted to dabble in real estate instead of run the “Dead & Breakfast” (thank you, @welh640, for that one), however, seemed hesitant when they realized the ghost hotel manager position would come with immortality if it followed Hotel del Luna’s world-building. For @kurama immortality was a hard stop, and for @abalyn, who isn’t a fan of hotels to begin with, an eternal life managing a hotel seemed purposeless and monotonous. Overall, though, there was an overwhelming consensus — even among those lured to option with the indoor beach — that Ji-ah was a badass character, and even if she has the less appealing job, she’s a woman we can aspire to be like.

No matter which career you selected, it would involve ghosts (sorry, @linarrick), and neither is probably suited for the faint of heart. Hopefully, this week’s options are less freighting, but — sadly — neither involves an indoor beach. Maybe the winner won’t be as obvious?


Would You Rather #6
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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