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[Drama chat] The slow burn

When I think of a slow burn, I think how weekenders use the character push-pull like rubbing two sticks together to light a fire. After countless attempts by a chaebol, the poor woman succumbs to his advances. The one that sticks in my head is THE GENTLEMEN OF WOLGYESU TAILOR SHOP because it turned into a real life dumpster fire.

Lee Dong-Gun and Jo Yoon Hee were on a Korean talk show to promote the series as it was about to reach its climax and ending arc. Jo readily admitted that she did not get along with Lee on the set. But as professionals, they went forward with their roles. Then a couple of weeks later, the script turned them into a jarring, lovey-dovey couple.

Then out of the blue, three months after the show concluded they registered their marriage. Then 7 months later their daughter was born. That would have been fine and good but the couple divorced 17 months later. Lee went on a hiatus for almost 2 1/2 years because most people blamed him for the divorce as Jo was now a single mother raising her daughter alone. Before her marriage, Jo was a popular network actress and radio show host. Both jobs ended shortly after her marriage and divorce. Last fall, it was announced that Jo would be joining an ensemble cast for a series that is supposed to be released this year.

[Drama chat] The slow burn
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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