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Would You Rather #11

Would You Rather #11

In dramaland, leading ladies often find themselves torn between the love of two equally attractive men — a choice none of us would want to make! But what if you did have to pick between the frustrating lawyer and the adorkable police officer? In this weekly feature, we ask you to make the difficult decisions — and we aren’t limiting our options to dreamy oppas.

Vote via the poll and feel free to use the comments to explain exactly how you were able to choose! So, Beanies:


Another week and another clear winner. Nearly 72% of Beanies indicated that they would rather hear people’s thoughts than give up their ability to lie. Hmmmm… does that mean there’s a lot of dishonest people lurking on Dramabeans? Nah, I’m sure you’re all an honest bunch, or, in the case of @gikata “so blunt that people often [get the] wrong impression.”

And it’s not like lying is inherently evil. For @ar, small white lies allow her to keep the magic of Santa and the Tooth Fairy alive for her kids. Plus, as @britney pointed out, sometimes lying can function as a safety measure. What if a K-drama baddie holds you at knife-point and you need to lie your way out of the life-or-death situation?

Interestingly, even though the poll indicated that more people would rather retain their ability to tell their Aunt Karen she looks ten years younger in her leopard print yoga pants, the comments were flooded with people opting to only speak the truth because the constant noise pollution of hearing other people’s thoughts would likely drive them insane. Sure, there were a few of you, like @welh640, who thought the benefits of knowing what others are thinking — especially when doing business deals or trying to navigate confusing interpersonal situations —outweighed the bad, but most of you in the comments section seemed to agree with @elinor, who said it best:

My god, the cacophony inside my own head is often out of control and adding the thoughts coming in from other people would drive me out of my mind.


Would You Rather #11
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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