I wrote a few comments above about a scene that has been burned in my memory. That reminded me of other scenes that have similarly hit me in the guts full force over the years:
One is a scene in Wild Romance, when SPOILER AHEAD the fl accuses the ml of having an affair with his best friend’s wife, he literally explodes trying to kill her from sheer anger. The fl is a skilled judoka and instinctively fights back throwing him down over and over, and he comes for her again every time… The scene is PERFECT in every sense. His anger, her shock at her mistake, her instinctive fight back although she is feeling ashamed, the later result in their relationship. Simply perfect.
Another one is in Go Back Couple in one of rhe later episodes, when the fl witnesses a random man breaking down from exhaustion and the unfairness of his life and his job. She is shocked when she suddenly connects his suffering to what her husband must have been going through but never let on to her. Very very well-acted and satisfying scene especially because her husband is one of my most favorite characters ever.
The scene in the baseball booths, when Seo Yul sees and falls for Yoon Ha Kyung for the first time, in Chief Kim. Perfect mood and acting.
Lookout, when she talks to him in the confession booth thinking he is the priest, and the car chase later in the show. The whole show is among my top 5 shows ever, but these 2 scenes get me every single time, even if I only think about them.
Accidental Couple, in the elevator when the ml thakes the fl’s hand from the sml. The courage. The subtle anger. Hwang Jung Min is such a great actor.
Partner. When she sits down crying heartbroken on her old teacher’s house stairs. And then stands up determined. Great scene.
The King 2 Hearts. His password. Telling his brother’s photo: happy now? Heart. Broken.
Miss Korea, Lee Sung Min being hit by the tugs, embarrassed that Song Sun Mi is witnessing it all.
Jealousy Incarnate, when he calls her after getting his diagnosis, and she rejects his call because she is in the middle of a crisis herself. I know I’m in a minority that looks at Lee Hwashin from a completely different perspective from most beanies here, but seriously, that scene hits me with the force of a speeding Truck of Doom every time.
Open Thread #809
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily