1. I think I don’t get that annoyed about some finale, so I still love and would rewatch shows like ‘Gu Family Book’, ‘Flower of Evil’ and ‘Black’. Especially FoE and Black, I really like those two finales. I think FoE writer chose that ending to give our ML peace. He really needed it, tbh.
And Black was depressing and dark since day one, the finale fits the story so well, I loved it even when it made me cry a river.
About GFB… I just didn’t give it that much thought lol. Maybe if I rewatch the show one of these days I’ll feel different, but when I say the show (years ago) I was okay with it.
2. Love Story in Harvard: I feel like the only people that have watched this show are me and my family.
3. Flower Boy Next Door: I’ve seen soooo many people hating on Enrique. I remember that a few years ago when I rewatched it the rating was really low and most of the timed comments where people saying Enrique was annoying.
There’s also people that hates the finale for some reason.
This show is one of my favorites, I love it with all my heart.
[Drama Chat] The drama you love but everyone else hates
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily