Forecasting Love and Weather: Episodes 11-12 Open Thread
by missvictrix
The interminable heatwave gives way to something even more dangerous — typhoons — and with it comes a whole lotta drama. Marriages and relationships alike reach the brink, and the storms just keep rolling in.
This week’s episodes start with a cold open: we are in the situation room with our team, who learn via phone call that Shi-woo (who’s on Jeju) has been in an accident. What in the world could have happened? We then step two days into the past — and actually, for the rest of this week’s episodes, we spend most of our time filling in all the events that led to that phone call, and everything that it means.
When we left off last week, Ha-kyung decided to send Shi-woo forthwith to the Typhoon Center on Jeju (where we’re later treated to a Seo Jung-yeon cameo, yay!), and he’s about as confused as I am. They have one of many serious conversations this week, and he asks why she keeps confusing him — did she send him offsite to get some space in their relationship? If so, why is she acting dejected that he’s leaving? Why does she treat him like a kid? Will they have a tryst before he leaves? A team dinner? Or will he just be gone when she wakes up in the morning? (Spoiler: it’s the latter.)
Shi-woo knows what’s wrong with their relationship: he says that Ha-kyung brings Ki-joon into it all the time. Ha-kyung denies (and I kinda agreed with her), until Shi-woo clarifies that it’s her history with him that she’s bringing along. She’s afraid of getting hurt again.
Shi-woo is firm that he doesn’t want a lukewarm relationship (though Ha-kyung knows she’s moderate in all things), and later, this idea wraps into our weather metaphor of the week: Ha-kyung muses about the formation of the stormy weather patterns and how a hot typhoon (Shi-woo) hits cold air (Ha-kyung) and the results are… well, we’ll see later.
For now, they don’t part on the grandest of terms, but it’s nothing compared to Ki-joon and Yoo-jin. Yoo-jin leaves Ki-joon, saying they need space, and high tails it to Jeju — incidentally, this is where her mother and her second husband and son live. Yoo-jin spends most of her time ignoring Ki-joon and simultaneously wishing he would do something to repair their relationship. Then, she runs into Shi-woo and, because of her little brother, harmlessly tags along while Shi-woo and his teammate prep for the coming storms.
Coming storms aside, the light that shines in these episodes is actually Dong-han’s daughter warming up to him, and our adorable Penguin Couple (who knew Seok-ho could be so smooth!?). For Dong-han, man, this guy can’t win. His daughter is visiting KMS and he’s all proud and excited, and she’s impressed and loving having a dad for once — so much that she willfully eats the thing she’s deathly allergic to: ham.
Although the incident ends awfully — Dong-han chewed out by his wife yet again and left beating himself up for being a terrible father — it was nice to see his relationship with his daughter begin to change. Perhaps there’s a chance with his wife, too? I know she has a lot to be resentful for, but she took his paycheck and lived without him their whole marriage… but now that she has to deal with him in her house and life she wants out? My conclusion is that they need to talk more, because blaming Dong-han for everything (and assuming he’s having an affair) isn’t really a solution.
There’s a big focus on marriage overall this week, which I quite like, even though we see it in varying states of distress. In the end, for all her annoyingness, Ha-kyung’s mom is the one that says it best (to Shi-woo over PPL pizza): marriage isn’t about two complete people being together, but about two incomplete people coming together. It hits him, and maybe, about four episodes from now, he’ll change his mind on marriage?
With Shi-woo off to Jeju, Ha-kyung and Ki-joon have a strangely amicable dinner where they finally find some closure on their relationship by way of complimenting each other’s strengths, and concluding that there were important things that they should have said aloud to each other, but never did.
We eventually reach the present-day timeline, and all things converge at the same time — weather and relationships. With the dangerous typhoons sweeping in, and news of Shi-woo’s accident reaching Seoul, all bets are off. Ha-kyung tries to remain stone-faced, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that saw her team watching to see how she would react. Not that they have time to dwell on it, because Shi-woo’s horrible father comes back with a vengeance (and a wristlet) and makes a scene at the KMA.
Pretending to care about his only son, Shi-woo’s father is clearly only interested in getting a huge amount of monetary compensation for the accident — he doesn’t even make an effort to see how his son really is until Ha-kyung outsmarts him. And soon, she, Ki-joon, and Shi-woo’s dad, are on their way to Jeju.
Ha-kyung is going as the boss and secret lover of Shi-woo, Shi-woo’s dad is going on the pretense of caring about his son’s condition, and Ki-joon has finally put his ego aside and all but begs his boss to let him go. The damage control he’ll do is just a matter of being there; the reason he really wants to go is to talk to Yoo-jin and save his marriage.
As fate would have it, Yoo-jin was there when Shi-woo had the accident — one second she was looking at her phone moping over her husband, and then next there was an explosion outside and Shi-woo was on the ground. Forgive my lack of scientific knowledge, but it looks like they were setting up weather sensors, and they didn’t keep a good look at the pressure gauge. The balloon overfilled and exploded in Shi-woo’s face, quite literally.
And so, it’s Yoo-jin who is with him in the ER, who had called the situation room in Seoul with the news of the accident, and who meets our three travelers when they arrive (and what a frigid meeting it is).
Ha-kyung rushes in to see Shi-woo who’s laying there with a gauze bandage around his eyes (ahh Bulgasal flashbacks!). But their sweet embrace is soon interrupted by his lunatic father, and though our couple might have been heading in the right direction, Ha-kyung’s lack of understanding around his father makes things worse.
Shi-woo and his father have a huge blowout in the hospital and he eventually storms off, with Ha-kyung running after him. Then his father storms off, demanding his compensation. Then Yoo-jin, who has misinterpreted Ki-joon’s presence, also storms off. Poor Ki-joon was being the hero for once (okay, twice — he was great at diffusing the disaster in the situation room too), but it’s all for naught.
The only metaphor for all this mess is a storm sweeping through – and sure enough, a storm is sweeping through. The typhoon is making itself known over Jeju, and to this backdrop, Shi-woo and Ha-kyung have yet another painful conversion… except this one ends with Shi-woo telling her they should break up. As she watches him walk off into the storm, she muses about the hot typhoon colliding with the cold air.
Forecasting Love and Weather: Episodes 11-12 Open Thread
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily