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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 17, 2022)

Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 17, 2022)

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…


Curtain Call: Well, we finally got our confession scene, and boy did it ever come out of left field. Last week, you were my beloved, goofy/doofy cousin. This week, you’re my suave and sincere love interest?! Say what?! I’m half expecting the drama to take back Se-yeon’s confession when we return to the scene next week, but they can’t take back Jae-heon’s. Not that I want them to, I just wanted this thing to play out so differently. The drama has nothing but space to do interesting things, but I can’t help but feel that all the interesting characters and interactions are suppressed in favor of something else. I just don’t know what that something else is.


Currently covering: Reborn Rich, Unlock the Boss

Alchemy of Souls: It’sbackit’sbackit’sback! It hurts to see (most) everyone so sad, but they do have good reason to be. I have mixed feelings about the amnesia, but mostly I’m just glad that there’s an in-universe explanation for Naksu’s new-old face and that it makes sense character-wise. And that everyone is back in each other’s orbits again.

Revenge of Others: That… was quite the finale. I’m not sure I like the implication that murder is fine as long as the person deserved it, though I also can’t say a certain someone didn’t deserve it. I do wish the show had spent more time building up and resolving Jae-bum’s arc, because so much more could have been done with it and he deserved more of a send-off at the very least. But, weirdness and confused feelings at the end aside, I had a lot of fun watching this. Plus, we got to see Seo Ji-hoon show off his acting range, so that’s a win in my book!


Gyeongju: I watched this for Shin Min-ah and because I’m a sucker for artsy films where people wander around cities. But after two and a half hours of paying close attention, I still don’t know what this movie wanted to say or really what it was about. I kept hoping all the random incidents would amount to something, but its open ending only amounted to my anger for finishing it. Everything I read about this film called it Korea’s answer to Before Sunrise, but I wouldn’t say the two are comparable. Before Sunrise (all of the “Before” trilogy) has witty dialogue and life-affirming observations, while Gyeongju seems to rest on its aesthetics.

Rosebud: I was surprised how this movie got under my skin. The synopsis I read before watching it had nothing to do with what the movie was actually about. This is a story about a woman who just can’t get a break and it ties in historical problems and class divides in a pretty affecting way. I didn’t like the ending but was moved so much by the first 1.5 hours I just decided to forgive it. Chae Soo-bin is good here, making me ask myself why I tend to like her in movies but not in dramas.


Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (December 17, 2022)
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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