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You can only pick one: Yoo Yeon-seok drama

You can only pick one: Yoo Yeon-seok drama

You can only pick one, and boy the pressure is on. The DB team will answer a new prompt in each post, and you’re invited to do the same in the comments. Ready to play?

You can only pick one Yoo Yeon-seok drama

quirkycase: If I’m picking one drama, it’s got to be Hospital Playlist. I love pretty much everything about this drama, which is surprising given that I’m not a huge medical drama fan. But the amazing chemistry between Yoo Yeon-seok and the rest of the quirkily lovable doctor quintet, the lovely slice-of-life ambiance, the heart, and the humor make this one a no-brainer for me. And Yoo Yeon-seok as a gentle, kind-hearted pediatrician doesn’t hurt – he has this way of taking sweet, dependable characters that could easily become bland and making them memorable. In a drama like Hospital Playlist filled to the brim with memorable characters, that’s quite a thing to pull off.

mistyisles: Mr. Sunshine, definitely — and not just because it’s one of only two Yoo Yeon-seok dramas I’ve finished. I have mixed feelings about the drama overall, but there was a lot about it that I absolutely loved, and he was amazing as the dark and tragic Dong-mae. That said, if we were to extend this question to include variety shows and not just dramas, my pick would be the delightfully wholesome Coffee Friends, which I think is where most of my love for him actually stems from.

DaebakGrits: I didn’t even have to think about this one because Yoo Yeon-seok is — and will forever be — Doctor Ahn Jung-won to me. I’ve never been one to blur the lines between actor and character before, but ever since Hospital Playlist, I’ve not been able to disassociate Yeon-seok from his role as the kind-hearted pediatric surgeon — so you can imagine how tough it was to wrap my brain around his actions in Narco-Saints. (I may have yelled, “No, Andrea! What are you doing?!” at my television a few times.) Funnily enough, though, my infatuation doesn’t stem from a fantasy of him being my “type” (re: last week’s ultimate love triangle post) because Doctor Ahn Jung-won is objectively very much not my type — despite all his charms. Instead, I simply appreciate how multi-faceted the character is and how well Yoo Yeon-seok balanced the mature with immature sides to the character’s personality. He has a high emotional intelligence, as demonstrated by how apt he is at reading people and understanding their feelings, but he’s also the most petty and pouty one of the 99 Crew. The combination of the two cracks me up, and I enjoyed watching his romance and mentorship of Gyu-wool unfold over the drama’s two seasons.

solstices: Definitely Hospital Playlist. It’s one of my favorite ensemble dramas — taking me entirely by surprise, since I rarely (if ever) watch medical dramas. Yet I love Hospital Playlist to bits! There’s something so simple yet so magical about the camaraderie of a solid friendship. Part heartwarming, part heart-wrenching, and wholly heartfelt, Hospital Playlist ran the gamut of emotions with its sensitive and compelling storytelling. Both seasons balanced a realistic depiction of adulthood with laugh-out-loud moments of childish hilarity, delivered with impeccable comic timing. And on top of it all, the band’s music is absolutely awesome!

Dramaddictally: Chilbongie! I love Yoo Yeon-seok in just about everything, with his ability to portray depth and naivete in equal measure, but Answer Me 1994 is good for so many reasons, it’s the clear win. My second favorite of the Answer Me series, this drama has all the things you’d expect: heart, hilarity, and heaps of nostalgia. But what would it be without our broken-hearted baseball player to make us swoon? He’s sweet, cute, talented, and famous, but he lets none of that go to his head — and in that context, humble is damn sexy. As the only Seoulite in the group, another thing I love about this character is how he tries to adopt Na-jung’s dialect and the two constantly tease each other about the correct word for things. He’s not doing it to make fun of her — he genuinely finds her way of speaking endearing — and I find him all the more endearing for it.


You can only pick one: Yoo Yeon-seok drama
Source: Buzz Pinay Daily

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